How to Get Buy-in for Your Innovation Project

Editor’s note: this is a guest post by Steve Glaveski. Getting (and retaining) buy-in from decision makers for innovation projects is often the stumbling block that many a corporate innovator and intrapreneur faces. Securing buy-in seems akin to a dark art of sorts that only the most astute political game players and people influencers are capable...

Der Übergang vom Ticketsystem zu agilen Marketingmethoden

So many marketers are struggling with trying to manage their myriad of projects, efficiently. With so many involved, communication can lack. As a marketer myself, I can relate. We have so much to accomplish, and with very high standards. Communicating with stakeholders (often remote or in different time zones) via email and managing projects on...

Ideen sind billig

Das vordere Ende der Innovation konzentriert sich auf die Phase der Ideenfindung. Es ist ein Ort der Kreativität, des Crowdsourcing und der Zusammenarbeit. Es geht um Haftnotizen, Labore, Interviews und manchmal auch um Kunsthandwerk, alles im Namen des Einfangens der Stimme des Kunden, um "das nächste große Ding" zu liefern. Die rechtshirnigen Menschen in diesem Raum LIEBEN es absolut...

Metrik-gesteuertes Coaching

W. Edwards Deming said, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” But how do you know if you’re measuring the right things? All too often teams fall prey to misleading metrics, missing invaluable opportunities to grow and improve. In this webinar, I’ll show you how to choose the right metrics to measure your team’s effectiveness and encourage the right...

3 Tipps für besseres Teammanagement

Die Berufsbezeichnung "Projektmanager" hat eine doppelte Bedeutung. Es gibt nicht nur die offensichtliche Definition von "jemandem, der ein Projekt plant, beschafft und ausführt", sondern in den allermeisten Fällen ist damit auch jemand gemeint, der ein Projektteam leitet. Die Leitung eines Teams, das aus einer weit verstreuten Gruppe von Mitarbeitern bestehen kann,...

Open Sourcing Eclipse Dropwizard Tools

Here at Tasktop we really like industry standards. It’s important for us to use well known tools and frameworks to make transitions between teams easier. When it comes to creating a REST API there is no way around JAX-RS in the Java world. But JAX-RS (or one of it’s implementations) is not a full server...

Der globale Wettlauf um Innovationen hat begonnen: Jährliches Wachstum von Planview IdeaPlace um 32% gestiegen

Today, the Planview IdeaPlace team is happy to announce record business growth with a 32% increase in new customers in 2015 as well as significant expansion across major industry segments including: financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, and energy. In working with innovation practitioners from global organizations such as AT&T, Citibank, Unilever, and Pfizer, – one thing...

Planview to Showcase ProjectPlace in the Modern Workspace at SXSW 2016

It’s that time of year when thousands of people converge in downtown Austin to take in the interactive, music and film fun of SXSW. Here’s what’s happening with Planview at SXSW 2016! The Projectplace team here at Planview is gearing up for these festivities taking place March 13 through 16. If you’re one of the...