Enterprise Agile Planning

Enterprise Agile Planning bietet eine skalierbare, unternehmensweite Plattform für Lean Portfolio Management, Agile Program Management und Agile Delivery, die Unternehmen von der Strategie bis zur Umsetzung unterstützt, unabhängig davon, wo sie sich auf ihrer Transformationsreise befinden. Planen und finanzieren Sie sowohl Lean-Agile- als auch traditionelle Portfolios in einer einzigen Plattform für strategisch ausgerichtete, ergebnisorientierte Pläne. Die Enterprise Agile Planning-Lösung versetzt Unternehmen in die Lage, den wichtigsten Wert zu liefern und gleichzeitig die Transformation zu ihren Bedingungen und nach ihrem Zeitplan durchzuführen.

Tasktop Sync 3.0 released, service desks get support

Open source projects have it good. Their issue tracker serves as the single system of record for all development, support, quality management and planning activity. The result is a theoretical ideal in terms of a connected software lifecycle. For example, every vote that a user makes for a particular bug is immediately visible to developers....

Agile 2013 Retrospective

… or, “work isn’t supposed to be this much fun” I’m just about recovered from our whirlwind trip to Nashville for the Agile Alliance’s conference Agile2013. There were 1700 attendees, 200 sessions, keynotes, parties, and a little controversy. On a personal note, I was gratified to see the number of women in technology there… most...

Why SLI Matters?

We’ve spent the last decade watching the shifts and trends in an industry that is eating the world. Software is increasingly becoming the basis for competitive advantage in nearly every industry. As Tasktop has evolved from an organization that focused solely on the developer to an organization that is now focused on the end-to-end aspects...

Kanban im Klassenzimmer verwenden

Einführung von Jon Terry, COO von Planview AgilePlace Viele von Ihnen kennen unsere nächste Gastbloggerin, Patty Beidleman, vielleicht von Twitter, wo sie in der Lean/Kanban-Community als @topsurf bekannt ist. Sie ist eine Freundin und Inspiration für uns bei Planview AgilePlace seit den frühen, frühen Tagen des Unternehmens. Wir sind beeindruckt von ihrer Leidenschaft für die Verbesserung...

Submission deadline for Agile ALM Connect at EclipseCon 2012

This Friday is the submission deadline for the Agile ALM Connect sub-conference of EclipseCon. This new conference fills a gap that many of us have noticed in the conversation around Agile, ALM and developers. The “developers” part of the equation is often either missing or an afterthought. Even though developers were the root cause of...

Prozessrichtlinien explizit machen

In seinem Buch Kanban - Successful Evolutionary Change for your Technology Business (Kanban - Erfolgreicher evolutionärer Wandel für Ihr Technologieunternehmen) hat David Anderson fünf Kerneigenschaften identifiziert, die bei jeder erfolgreichen Umsetzung der Kanban-Methode zu beobachten sind. Visualisieren Sie den Workflow Begrenzen Sie den WIP (Work in Process) Verwalten Sie den Flow Machen Sie Prozessrichtlinien explizit Verbessern Sie kollaborativ (mit Modellen und der wissenschaftlichen Methode) Die vierte...

Interview on ALM getting a bad name, how Agile and open source are changing that

Here is a short interview from The Server Side conference, with Jan Stafford of Software Quality Insights, on how ALM got a bad name from heavyweight methodologies like RUP, and why the move to Agile, open source and developer-centric tools is changing that. Yes, I am in fact holding an invisible crystal ball, which is...

Prediction #4: The single vendor ALM stack becomes extinct in organizations with more than two developers

Development managers at large organizations with monolithic application lifecycle management (ALM) stacks once had it good. ALM components were well integrated, played nicely with one another, and when they didn’t, there was someone to call. But lightweight issue trackers started to move into the organization, popularized by the need for developer-centric collaboration facilities. At a...

Tasktop and VersionOne team up on Eclipse Mylyn integration for Agile teams

Today marks the start of a major extension of Eclipse and Mylyn’s reach into Agile project management. We’re very pleased to announce a partnership with VersionOne to develop an Eclipse Mylyn connector for VersionOne’s Agile planning and project management platform. The Planview Certified VersionOne Connector will be included in Tasktop Pro and available as a...

How-to: task-focused programming

Applies to:  Tasktop Pro or Eclipse Mylyn Level:  Beginner Summary:    Learn how to focus your Java programming efforts with Tasktop, increasing your personal productivity  Which files was I working with before lunch? In the course of a day of programming developers often work on many tasks, where each task involves a different set of...