Tasktop Blogger
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Tasktop Blogger

Mylyn visiting Skills Matter

Ever wondered what is going on inside the brain of people working at Tasktop? Last week, I had to honor to speak at Skills Matter, Europe’s largest provider of open-source and agile trainings in the London area. It was a great time in London and Skills Matter was kind enough to provide a recorded version...

Integrating Mylyn into your Git workflow

Im Januar trafen sich die meisten EGit-Committer auf dem "EGit Summit" in Walldorf, Deutschland. Wir hatten viel Spaß beim gemeinsamen Abhängen, bei der Planung der zukünftigen Richtung für EGit/JGit und bei der Implementierung neuer Funktionen. Nochmals vielen Dank an das SAP-Team für die Ausrichtung der Veranstaltung. Wie Sie auf dem Whiteboard sehen können, gab es zahlreiche Ideen, die von...

Simple Scheduling for Your Week

Developers that work with an issue tracking system are torn between two extremes. They often would like to know everything that is happening on their project yet their main focus is on tasks assigned to them. In practice, neither an overly nosey or a hermit-like approach works well, as developers are either overwhelmed by the...

Optimize Your Workday with Tasktop and the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse

The new 2.0 release of the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse provides the latest and most complete access to Atlassian’s development and collaboration tools from within the Eclipse IDE. This provides developers with an integrated platform for managing issues, source code, builds, and code reviews. Combining the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse with Tasktop Pro delivers a...

Mylyn Best Practices in Bite-Sized Chunks

Over the past year I’ve been working closely with those in the Tasktop and Mylyn community at large to define best practices for task-focused programming and collaboration. My goal has been to share what I’ve learned about how the leaders in task management use Tasktop and Mylyn to collaborate effectively. To this end, I’ve created...

Mastering the Eclipse Toolset: Change Sets

Summary: Learn how to become a master of the Eclipse Change Set Toolset, increasing your individual effectiveness and improving your team’s communication. Applies to: Tasktop Dev Pro, Eclipse Mylyn Supported Connectors: Bugzilla, ClearQuest, CollabNet, JIRA, Mingle, Rally, ScrumWorks Pro, Trac, VersionOne (coming soon) Supported SCMs: CVS, Subversion (SVN), ClearCase (coming soon) “An apprentice carpenter may...

Don’t Break the Build: A Developer’s Guide to Care-Free Commits

Summary: Learn how to submit the right files for a given fix every time, even when working on multiple bugs concurrently, avoiding the sin of breaking the build. Applies to: Tasktop Dev Pro, Eclipse Mylyn Supported Connectors: ClearQuest, ScrumWorks, JIRA, Rally, CollabNet, Bugzilla Supported SCMs: CVS, Subversion (SVN), ClearCase (coming soon) (Photo courtesy of seeb’s Photo...

How-to: task-focused programming

Applies to:  Tasktop Pro or Eclipse Mylyn Level:  Beginner Summary:    Learn how to focus your Java programming efforts with Tasktop, increasing your personal productivity  Which files was I working with before lunch? In the course of a day of programming developers often work on many tasks, where each task involves a different set of...

Tasktop Dev how-to: Create tasks with style

Applies to: Tasktop Dev Pro, Tasktop Dev Starter, and Mylyn Level: Intermediate Summary: Learn how to create tasks with good style, speeding your personal workflow and facilitating collaboration Tasks are a vehicle for communication. Tasks that you create may be completed by others, and next month you might resume tasks that you create today. Whether communicating with...

How-to: Track Tasks with Queries, Not Email

  Gilt für: Tasktop Pro, Tasktop Starter und Mylyn Level: Einführend Zusammenfassung: Lernen Sie, wie Sie Aufgaben mit Tasktops Queries verfolgen und so E-Mails zur Aufgabenaktualisierung vermeiden können UPDATED on January 30, 2009: Wir haben die Best Practice überarbeitet, um die Konfiguration zu vereinfachen und doppelte Aufgaben in der Aufgabenliste zu vermeiden. Wir werden uns mit fortgeschritteneren Konfigurationen in einem kommenden...