Value Stream Management

Value stream management (VSM) in software delivery is a critical approach to success in today's digital landscape. Its systematic approach to measuring and improving flow helps organizations shorten time-to-market, increase throughput, and improve product quality. This VSM blog category provides educational insights, best practices, and real-world advice from Planview and industry experts on how to address the constraints or problems you face in your software delivery lifecycle in order to achieve better business outcomes.

10 predictions and trends for enterprise software development and delivery in 2018

Predicting the future of enterprise software development and delivery can often feel like hammering Jell-O to a wall. The industry is a perpetually evolving beast, awash with nuance, relativity and disruption. Just when you think you’ve got your head around it all, new technology and ideas can gatecrash the party overnight. That said, we’ve dusted...

How to accommodate different processes in enterprise software delivery

“Nothing is permanent but change’ – Heraclitus In business, we all know if you’re standing still, you’re falling behind. We also know that asking people to change their ways is hard – especially in enterprise software delivery. Resistance from some of your best teams can be fierce, and the fallout can directly impact the quality...

The road to a unified automotive value stream

The phrase “software is eating the world” is ubiquitous across all industries, and the automotive sector is no different. Software is the main technology driving innovation in cars. Millions of lines of code underpin everything from our vehicle’s navigation systems and engine control to its power steering and airbag deployment. We’re basically driving mobile computers....

Fight Cultural Debt by Connecting Your Value Stream

“In a world where tools are a proxy for process, the disconnected worlds created by domain specific tools result in broken workflows, reduced visibility and obstructed collaboration.” The business world is often blissfully ignorant of how technology decisions can introduce ‘cultural debt’.  And when an organization takes on cultural debt unknowingly, the interest payments accumulate...

Every second counts – why you need Software Value Stream Integration today

“Each time you receive an email that describes a defect, or send one asking about a requirement, it costs a little bit of time and money, and introduces the opportunity for errors and omissions.” Connecting your best-of-breed tools for planning, building and delivering enterprise software is probably on your radar. Considering that nearly 50 percent of the...

How Software Development Metrics Can Improve Your Delivery Processes

Tasktalks is an engineering-focused podcast telling the stories of Tasktop’s engineering teams from internal practices to the day-to-day challenges they face. Imagine a world where there is only one way to develop software at scale. Imagine if everybody used the same tools, had the same team structure and processes, everything was done “by the book”....

The criticality of customer support in enterprise software delivery

In enterprise software delivery, customer support is the difference between investing in a product, and actually benefiting from a product – Laura Horner, Director of Sales, Americas East, Tasktop At Tasktop Connect last month, I had the opportunity to speak with a wide and diverse range of prospective customers. While “integration”, “DevOps” and “software value stream” were...

Value Stream Mapping for Software Development

WHAT IS VALUE STREAM MAPPING? Depending on your background, you might have different ideas when you hear the term value stream mapping. In manufacturing, value stream mapping refers to analyzing the current state of the processes through which inputs become outputs. The “product” of a value stream mapping activity in manufacturing is a living map...

Software Defined: The Business Impact of DevOps Automation using Infrastructure as Code

Last week we looked at Infrastructure as Code (IaC), an emerging set of IT automation tools and practices that enable infrastructure management through a software layer. Today we will examine the impact of IaC on the business, using a “software-defined” lens to understand how this technology is a driver of change and transformation in the...