Three Solutions for the Biggest Project Management Problems

Identifying project management problems is one thing, but what about solving them? No one wants to work with someone who simply raises issues without suggesting the best ways to fix them. That type of negative approach can slow down a career in any field, but in project management, it is simply not acceptable. Today’s enterprise...

Marketing and Project Management: What You Need to Know

At first glance, the differences between marketing and project management might seem too great for them to be able to gel together effectively. Marketing is supposed to be innovative, inspiring and full of outside-of-the-box thinking, while project management is all about making sure things get done and then writing reports about what got done. However,...

What Successful Marketing Companies Know About Project Management

Marketing and project management might not seem like natural bosom buddies, one priding itself on its ability to be creative, innovative and to do things outside the norm, while the other tries to systematize, analyze and generally keep everything as regular as possible. However, with the growth of Agile methodologies and project management tools that...

How to pick an enterprise project management methodology

Not only can implementing a new project management methodology vastly improve an organization’s efficiency, but it can also increase their capabilities. The trick, of course, is choosing the methodology which is most likely to fit the organization’s culture and business needs. If you’d like to get up to speed on common enterprise project management methodology,...

Resource Capacity Planning – It’s Not in the Details

There is a myth in planning circles that more detail is better and more accurate. In resource planning this looks like huge spreadsheets with people’s names assigned to specific projects across the months or weeks for at least a year. If we can plan out that much detail that far, it must be accurate, right?...

New Product Release: Planview Hub 20.4 – Artifact Unions, Micro Focus/Octane Use Case, Configuration History, Daimler AG Connector

Tasktop’s latest product release from its Value Stream Management platform—Planview Hub 20.4—is out today, making end-to-end enterprise toolchain integration even easier and impactful. New exciting features include: Artifact unions Test Management use case between Micro Focus ALM and ALM Octane Configuration history New connector for Daimler/Mercedes-Benz AG’s new defect and test management system Introducing Artifact Unions Have...

The UK Wastes Billions Every Year on Failed Agile Products

As the expectation of constant collaboration between the IT and business branches of companies becomes more standard, the importance of clear, consistent communication between the two is paramount. This communication is generally achieved through the use of agile methodology and business agile software. However, as the UK puts more and more money into agile project...

5 Best Practices that Adaptable Businesses Can Learn from Elite Agile Software Teams

There are many things that adaptable businesses can learn from elite agile software teams — and we aren’t talking about where to find the widest selection of coffee mugs and t-shirts with amusing sayings (e.g. “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”). We’re talking about five best practices that define and drive high-performance:...