Keep Remote Workforces Up to Date with Planview AdaptiveWork Go for Zoom

If you use Zoom to hold meetings or to coordinate with your colleagues then we have some big news for you! We’re happy to announce that Planview AdaptiveWork Go has an application in Zoom’s App Marketplace with a native integration to the Zoom platform. Whether you have a free or paid Zoom account, this integration...

How High-Performance Teams Tell Stories to Get What they Need

Storytelling is much more than just a colorful way to convey a message. Stories activate parts of the brain in sympathy with the events of the story in question. In other words, when we get captivated by a story about a mountain climber who is hanging on for dear life, or a star athlete who...

Boost workplace collaboration and improve customer satisfaction

Even if your customers are happy today, wouldn’t you like to make them happier? Highly satisfied customers are critical to the long-term success of almost every business. They’re important not only because they tend to make more (and larger) purchases, but also because they can become ambassadors for your company, sharing their positive experiences through...

Marketing Project Management: Best Practices

Project management hasn’t always been a top priority in the marketing world, but it certainly has useful applications, which is perhaps why the topic of marketing project management has become more popular in recent years. The processes and products of project management lend themselves well to marketing, which requires logical progressions and coordination of resources...

What is a Gap Analysis?

Gap analysis is a methodology used to identify whether your business or project is performing as it should be and how to bridge the “gap” between where you are and where you want to be. It can be very useful for identifying areas which are underperforming or deciding on the best places to invest or...

What Are the Objectives of Project Management?

In brief, project management objectives are the successful development of the project’s procedures of initiation, planning, execution, regulation and closure as well as the guidance of the project team’s operations towards achieving all the agreed upon goals within the set scope, time, quality and budget standards. Projects are temporary and, in a sense, unique endeavors....

Scrum Master vs. Project Manager: What’s the Difference?

Project management terminology is constantly evolving to adapt to the hyper-fast pace of change in the world around us. This can often create situations where we’re stuck wondering to ourselves, “How does the Delphi method work?”, “Where did the Kotter Change Model come from?” or “Exactly what is a Scrum Master?” While some terminology changes...

Four Different Brainstorming Methods to Try at Your Next Meeting

Status meetings can often seem like time-consuming rumble strips, which only serve to slow a project down and drain it of enthusiasm instead of the desired opposite effect. One way of shifting the format of your status meetings to something more energizing is by altering its dynamic. Brainstorming is a technique used to generate ideas...

Talking OKRs with Planview’s CPO Patrick Tickle

We’re excited to announce that Planview has built Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) capabilities into Planview AgilePlace™! In this post, you’ll learn:  why we’ve added OKR capabilities into the Planview platform  why OKRs are particularly valuable for Agile organizations  how OKRs have changed in recent years   what to look for in OKR software  But first, here’s a quick introduction to OKRs,...

How We Delivered More Features and Solved Incidents Faster By Using Our Own Product

“Eating your own dog food,” “ice creaming,” “drinking your own champagne” — whatever you want to call it — refers to a company using its own product, either to test drive it or to show confidence in it. Well, here at Tasktop we have another reason for using our own products: We actually really like...