Planview IdeaPlace Customer Spotlight: Crowdsourcing Safety with PUSD’s InnovationU

Crowdsourcing innovation is one of today’s most powerful tools for effecting real, lasting change. No matter the industry, it exposes business challenges and social issues to diverse perspectives like nothing else can, inviting ideas that might otherwise remain unheard. It was exactly this benefit that led the Poway Unified School District of California to develop...

Three Key Criteria When Choosing Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Software

Project Portfolio Management (PPM) software will bring several benefits to any organization, regardless of size, industry sector, or maturity.  PPM software will increase your visibility into the work your resources are executing, enable you to prioritize new work that is being requested, make your organization run more efficiently and ultimately increase the ROI of your...

The 7 Deadly Wastes of Lean

Several of us among Planview AgilePlace’s founders and early employees first learned about Lean in the context of logistics and manufacturing. We wrote and implemented software that helped big companies buy and move and track physical goods. So we learned about the Lean concept of reducing waste in terms of inventory, transportation, motion, etc. It...

Don’t Miss the Mark! What Executives Need to Consider When It Comes to Business Planning

In this four-part series, I’m discussing some planning challenges and offering best practices that can help companies improve efficiencies and gain strategic advantage. In my last blog post I discussed “Is the annual process disconnected from the realities of your business?” In Part 2, I will talk about how executives and leadership need to rethink...

Your First Portfolio Review Won’t Go As Planned – Enrich Consulting

It doesn’t matter how much you think you’ve prepared, how many run-throughs you’ve done, how many assurances you have from your project teams that all the data will be there, and be correct. Something will go wrong: a critical piece of data will be missing, the slides will be wrong, an unanswerable question will derail...

Do the Math: Calculating the ROI of Product Portfolio Management

Carrie Nauyalis New product development (NPD) solution evangelist Carrie Nauyalis is extremely passionate about the ROI of product portfolio management. She likes to walk the walk and talk the talk when it comes to championing a single source of the truth for greater efficiency in bringing products to market. In fact, she is such an advocate...

Do You Need Resource Management or Workload Management?

Whether you are managing day-to-day projects in a 20-person company or managing 20+ projects per year in a highly evolved enterprise, you know it’s essential to understand resource commitments and work across projects. But do you need resource management or workload management Depending on your organization’s size, project portfolio complexity, number of projects, and needs, there...

How a Consultancy Business Increased Productivity and Saved Thousands of Man-Hours

For a specialized international consultancy business, productivity and efficient teamwork is critical. TB Spirits Group, a boutique spirits consultancy, was looking to grow its geographically spread client base and launch projects faster. By adopting a cloud-based project collaboration tool, the firm managed to improve collaboration and productivity. The result has been a saving of over 1 000 man-hours...

Crowdsourcing Ideas for Community Improvement: The “What Works” Challenge

Social issues resulting from limited employment opportunities, high crime rates, and poverty affect us all. These circumstances are especially devastating to high-risk urban areas like the Frazier community in Dallas, Texas, where unemployment rates are tremendous, and a chance for economic recovery becomes less likely each day. In an effort to bring lasting solutions to...

Is the Annual Process Disconnected from the Realities of Your Business?

Under pressure to reduce costs, justify headcount, and deliver more while providing business sponsors with the status of projects? Do you feel like annual planning is a one-time exercise and not a true reflection of strategic objectives? You’re not alone. Many organizations find that the annual process is disconnected from the realities of the business....