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Can We Be That PMO? Deliver What Business Leaders Want and Need

Video series: Strategies to help you get started

Publié le Par Carina Hatfield
Can We Be That PMO? Deliver What Business Leaders Want and Need

Are you tired of unplanned work constantly taking priority and not being able to effectively plan across everything the business wants and the organization needs to support? Do you wish that you had a portfolio management with investment planning tool so you could contribute to the business more effectively instead of just putting out fires? Or maybe you’re not that eager to wait around for an overwhelming to-do list.

Regardez "Facing the Challenges of Today's PMO" et "Focus on Values and Outcomes" et découvrez pourquoi l'utilisation de la gestion de portefeuille avec la planification des investissements peut donner au PMO un siège à la table avec le chef d'entreprise pour évaluer et prioriser les investissements à faire pour prendre des décisions qui font avancer l'entreprise. Comprenez que la valeur de la participation du PMO à "ce qui doit être fait" est que vous pouvez aider à déterminer le "quand cela peut être livré" dans le contexte des priorités afin de gérer la capacité et assurer le succès des résultats souhaités.

But maybe you’re not fully convinced or confident enough to launch yourself into the fray.

Take a deeper dive into how you can overcome some of these inherent PMO challenges. As an experienced Planview Product Manager, I’ve seen how easy it is to wind up on the receiving end of the planning cycle, which is not much fun.

Be the PMO who prioritizes and drives the portfolio. Here’s a peek at some of the strategies I outline in the video for delivering what business leaders really want:

  • Partnership development. Bring the CIO and the CFO into conversations on decision-making criteria. Then, you can become the central access point to gather key information for both operations and finance.
  • Leverage the information you’re already collecting. Use it to evaluate across business units project value, risk of not doing the project, likelihood of success, regulatory risks, accepting high level estimates early on and updating estimates based on what has been throughout the project,
  • Re-think being responsible for reporting on what’s already happened – use the portfolio to plan for the business.
  • Re-frame the way you think, report, and even speak about your current projects around business drivers, technology, and value so the PMO can drive future decisions.

It is important to remember that this is also in the name of creating an adaptable organization that focuses on the highest priorities and isn’t taken over by unplanned work, to solve the biggest challenge likely facing your organization –over-committed resources. Keep in mind that an IT/PMO that thinks about the capacity plan, will gain the trust of the business. When you gain that trust, the interesting conversations can begin… making real trade-off decisions while ensuring resources are focused on creating the highest value to the company.

Watch the video “Can we #BethatPMO” to learn how to better evaluate tradeoffs before decisions are made or watch the complete video series on YouTube.

Video: Can we #BeThatPMO?

#BeThatPMO Video Series

I’d like to hear from you. Are these videos helpful? What are you currently doing to make sure the PMO is bringing value to the business? What questions do you have about portfolio management with investment planning? Share by leaving a comment below.

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Rédaction du contenu Carina Hatfield Directeur, Gestion des produits

Carina Hatfield a toujours un plan. Au fil des ans, elle a amélioré sa capacité à réagir et à redéfinir ses priorités en fonction des nouvelles idées et des événements imprévus. Elle a suivi son plan initial de devenir expert-comptable en se lançant dans la budgétisation, les prévisions et la planification stratégique jusqu'à ce qu'une nouvelle idée devienne prioritaire et qu'elle saisisse l'occasion de rejoindre Planview. Après avoir passé six ans à mettre en œuvre Planview Enterprise pour aider les organisations à améliorer leurs processus de stratégie, de prévision et de planification, Carina a pris cette expérience et l'a appliquée à son rôle dans la gestion des produits.