The Value Stream Management Consortium (VSMC): A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

I am excited to write about a new strategy to help organizations adapt more effectively to the intensified digital-first world. From improving time-to-market to operating more efficiently as an organization, software-driven innovation has never been more critical to business success; software has gone beyond accelerating everything we do to actually being what we do. That’s...

Scrum: Everything to Cover in Your Sprint Review

Les sprints sont la pierre angulaire de la méthodologie de gestion de projet Scrum. Les sprints sont des unités de temps au cours desquelles les équipes déterminent et hiérarchisent certaines tâches du backlog de produit, leur attribuent la propriété et définissent le calendrier de leur réalisation. Une fois le sprint terminé, l'étape suivante est la revue de sprint Scrum, qui donne...

What is PPM Software (& How Can It Help Me?)

It’s rare for a company to focus on a single objective, serve a single client or undertake only one project at a time. After all, this would hardly be conducive to building clientele, expanding operations and diversifying for continued growth, stability and profit. That said, seeing even a single project through to completion can be...

Service Businesses: Balancing Profit and Innovation Isn’t a Pipe Dream

En tant qu'entreprise de services professionnels, le profit est la ligne de fond. Avec des marges bénéficiaires élevées, vous pouvez développer votre activité et répondre aux nouvelles demandes des clients à votre guise. Sans bénéfice, vous êtes dans une lutte constante pour rester à flot. Cependant, vous ne pouvez pas non plus vous permettre d'avoir une vision étroite des choses. Outre le profit, vous devez maintenir une qualité de service élevée, l'innovation,...

Quelle est la différence entre le projet & et la gestion de portefeuille ?

If we take a closer look at successful enterprises and the way they operate, it becomes clear that their growth and establishment in the market is never a result of mere chance, rather it is the final outcome of various forces working together successfully. These invisible forces that operate in the background of each enterprise...

Agile Business Project Management : Une introduction

The concept of agility, once confined to the world of software development, is making its way into the broader world of project management. As more organizations begin to see the improvements in efficiency and communication that Agile Methodology can deliver, business agile is transforming industries from manufacturing to marketing. If your organization is interested in...

Comment établir un calendrier de projet qui fonctionne

The ability to plan is what defines an effective project manager, and one of the key pillars of that plan should be the timeline. Creating a project timeline is like drawing out the map before the voyage – it sets the goals and limits of the project’s duration so that teams can stay on-course (and...

The Best Qualitative Risk Assessment Methods

A defining skill set of any effective project manager is their ability to assess and mitigate risk. Spotting bumps in the road, predicting outcomes and preventing failures are all part of the responsibility of managing a project successfully. Risk assessment can be an art form, and there’s a variety of ways to get the job...

OKRs and Turning Failure Into Success

As a system of goal-setting and progress measurement, Objectives and Key Results (OKR) has shown significant results for organizations which have adopted it. Initially created by Intel it has become widespread, especially in technology firms such as Google. One of the most interesting features of the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) method is that it...