Five Tips for Managing Vendor Relationships
Getting the right vendors and keeping them can be vital for your growth, so good vendor management should be a key consideration for any business.
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Getting the right vendors and keeping them can be vital for your growth, so good vendor management should be a key consideration for any business.
LinkedIn0Share0Tweet0Pin0Email0 Let’s start out with this: there’s really no such thing as multitasking. Our big, beautiful human brains, for all of their abilities, cannot pay attention to more than one cognitive task at a time. What’s more, a number of studies and experts (including this one) point out that when we rapidly flip back and […]
LinkedIn0Share0Tweet0Pin0Email0 Prioritizing involves two steps: identifying the most important work to be done and making the time to do it. Organizations that fail to empower individuals to set priorities and act on them risk squandering their teams’ creative potential. Take these steps to ensure your people can get their most meaningful work done. 1. Eliminate […]
Même après la résolution du Brexit, l'économie britannique reste confrontée à un retard de productivité. Les robots sont-ils la solution ?
Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a system of goal-setting and progress measurement, Read our blog to find okr goals and how okrs work.
Project constraints are limitations that are inherent in your project, such as time, resources or available technology. A Project Manager needs to be able to recognise the project constraints that they are facing.
In project management, knowing how to identify project risks and what defines their level of importance for a project is something every project manager needs to understand.
Treat improvement like a series of experiments and continuously improve. Using this approach takes the pressure off.
Pensez-vous que votre service d'assistance pourrait avoir besoin d'un coup de pouce ? Vous rendez-vous compte que si un centre de services est essentiel dans votre organisation, il n'est qu'une pièce d'un puzzle beaucoup plus grand ? Il est impossible de nier l'importance d'un système de service desk dans votre organisation, mais la question se pose de savoir comment...
LinkedIn0Share0Tweet0Pin0Email0 Les grandes organisations comptent souvent leurs projets et initiatives actifs par centaines, les différents départements et unités commerciales poursuivant une grande variété d'objectifs. Avec autant d'activités simultanées en cours, il peut être facile pour les opérations à court terme d'une entreprise de ne pas s'aligner sur ses objectifs à long terme. Afin de mieux organiser et [...]