
Die Disruption ist allgegenwärtig, aber die innovativen Unternehmen von heute nutzen die Macht der Masse, um sich von der Masse abzuheben. Der Innovationsmanagement-Blog befasst sich mit Themen wie Mitarbeiterengagement, Crowdsourcing und wie man diese Konzepte von der Idee bis zur Marktreife bringt. Erhalten Sie Einblicke in die Entwicklung von Konzepten, die Erstellung erfolgreicher Herausforderungen und bewährte Methoden zur Einbindung Ihres Publikums, damit Ihr Unternehmen bahnbrechende Ideen von den Mitarbeitern, Partnern und Kunden einholen kann, die ihr Geschäft am besten kennen. Entdecken Sie, wie Sie alle Ideen in Ihrer Pipeline priorisieren und nachverfolgen können, von der ursprünglichen Konzeption bis zur Umsetzung - in neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen, verbesserte Prozesse und eine verbesserte Kundenerfahrung. Außerdem finden Sie Geschichten aus der Praxis, Branchenforschung und mehr.

Unilever: Nachhaltiges Leben durch globale Zusammenarbeit verwirklichen

How would you make sustainable living a reality? If you’re a company like Unilever, you collaborate with a community that’s spread across the world – from employees to entrepreneurs. Just to jog your memory, Unilever is one of the world’s leading suppliers of food, home, and personal care products, reaching two billion consumers a day...

Planview IdeaPlace wird in einem neuen Bericht als führend im Innovationsmanagement anerkannt

Innovation management software is quickly becoming a go-to solution for companies in all industries who want to transform their businesses and stay competitive for years to come. We’ve seen this trend pick up steam as the number of companies leveraging innovation management continues to grow. Forrester, an independent technology and market research company, has also...

Dev Patnaik teilt sein Innovationswissen auf dem Ignite Summit von Planview IdeaPlace

With the 2016 Ignite Summit right around the corner, we’re thrilled to share with you one of the newest additions to our list of amazing speakers. Dev Patnaik is the Founder and CEO of Jump Associates, a strategy and innovation firm that helps companies create new businesses and reinvent existing ones — their impressive list of clients include:...

Navigieren bei der Make-versus-Buy-Entscheidung: eine Crowdsourced Check List

Product managers facing the make versus buy decision for their organization have a lot to consider. Biases abound. In this article, the innovation architect Doug Collins shares what was on the minds of senior product management leaders on this topic when they convened, recently. Their top 10 factors follow below. The Make versus Buy versus...

How to Get Buy-in for Your Innovation Project

Editor’s note: this is a guest post by Steve Glaveski. Getting (and retaining) buy-in from decision makers for innovation projects is often the stumbling block that many a corporate innovator and intrapreneur faces. Securing buy-in seems akin to a dark art of sorts that only the most astute political game players and people influencers are capable...

Der globale Wettlauf um Innovationen hat begonnen: Jährliches Wachstum von Planview IdeaPlace um 32% gestiegen

Today, the Planview IdeaPlace team is happy to announce record business growth with a 32% increase in new customers in 2015 as well as significant expansion across major industry segments including: financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, and energy. In working with innovation practitioners from global organizations such as AT&T, Citibank, Unilever, and Pfizer, – one thing...

Building a Culture of Innovation: How to Support One Effectively

Editor’s note: this is a guest post by Steve Glaveski. “Move fast and break things.” This was the mantra of Facebook in its early days, as is the case with most startups that subscribe to the iterative product development method popularized by the Lean Startup. However, a startup’s primary job is to discover new sustainable business...

Innovation ist Wandel

Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Braden Kelley. Can you think of a single innovation that didn’t change something? I didn’t think so. Innovation is change, or at least, innovation requires change. In my role as an innovation keynote speaker and workshop facilitator, I recently led a German-based industrial company’s North American IT...

2016 Ignite Summit: Ankündigung von Rednern von Pfizer, CH2M zum Thema Innovation

With just 79 days left until this year’s Planview IdeaPlace Ignite Summit, we’re excited to announce our first round of top-notch speakers. Last year, over 140 leaders from globally recognized companies like IBM, AT&T, MetLife, Cigna, PwC, Unitedhealth Group, Siemens, Estee Lauder and more gathered at our Boston Summit to share new ideas, challenges, and findings resulting...