Tasktop Sync OEM’d by IBM, RTC users get connected

Today the IBM Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters Tasktop Edition appeared on the IBM price list. This OEM version of Tasktop Sync makes the technology broadly available to IBM clients using Rational Team Concert (RTC), who can now get all of the benefits of Tasktop Sync’s real-time and collaboration-centric ALM integration infrastructure. This helps IBM clients...

Wie sich Organisationen der klinischen Forschung im heutigen Umfeld wandeln - Teil 2

The Solution for CROs The previous blog in this series discussed the increasing growth rates and related issues seen the Clinical Research Organization (CRO) space due to strategic partnerships, globalism, and market consolidation from mergers and acquisitions. This kind of growth inevitably presents challenges for CROs trying to generate data from fragmented, non-integrated systems. There...

13 Wichtige SRP-Metriken für die Rentabilität von Tech-Dienstleistungsunternehmen

Having worked in the Professional Services industry for nearly 25 years, I have helped numerous PSOs and IT organizations utilize software solutions to manage their businesses. My extensive experience as both a management consultant and software design has given me a unique perspective into Services Resource Planning. As the need for it becomes increasingly prevalent,...

Wie sich Organisationen der klinischen Forschung im heutigen Umfeld wandeln - Teil 1

There is a significant transformation underway in the clinical research organization (CRO) space. The CRO market revenue amounts to approximately $30 billion, which is primarily generated from its core business of conducting clinical trials required for drug market admission by regulatory authorities like the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines...

Avoiding R&D Portfolio Management Jeopardy – Enrich Consulting

Here is an uncomfortable reality in all but the smallest firms during their R&D portfolio management processes: Between the staff running each R&D initiative and the executives making project and portfolio decisions, there’s usually a division. Maybe it’s the gap between headquarters and lab, upstairs/downstairs, east coast/west coast, London/Singapore, or even a generation gap. At...

Sieben Trends in der Finanzplanung und -analyse 2012

As we start the fourth quarter, having just come back from the annual Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) national conference, it seems like an appropriate time to reflect on the trends of the last year. Read on for seven financial planning and analysis trends from 2012. Trend #1: The Rise of FP&A Within the finance...

IT-Projekte aus dem Park schlagen - Wichtige Tipps für erfolgreiches Projektmanagement

Um es mit den Worten eines der größten Stars des Baseballs, Yogi Berra, zu sagen: "Wenn Sie nicht wissen, wohin Sie gehen, landen Sie vielleicht ganz woanders. Erzielen Sie einen Gewinn für Ihr IT-Projekt und erzielen Sie mehr Umsatz, indem Sie diese wichtigen Projektmanagement-Tipps umsetzen. Liefern Sie Projekte pünktlich und innerhalb des Budgets. Ziehen Sie einfach den Manager...

Overheard at Optimizing Innovation NYC

I recently attended the Optimizing Innovation Conference in NYC as Planview was a sponsor. Initially, I was surprised that half of the attendees had traveled from Europe just for a two-day conference. Once the sessions began, I quickly understood their motivation. Speakers from Levi® Strauss, NASA, MTV Networks, Goodyear®, Mozilla, Kraft, and many other companies...

Eight Rules of Effective R&D Portfolio Management – Enrich Consulting

Dan Smith and I have written a white paper on strategic R&D portfolio management that summarizes many of the lessons and insights we’ve gleaned during twelve years of client engagements. The white paper is organized into eight ‘rules’: Avoid incomplete strategies Build an actionable strategy Don’t buy in to bubble plots Move beyond prioritization Present...

Meeting Product Launch Windows und die PIM-Konferenz

The Product Portfolio Mavens are back and this time they’ve recorded in an undisclosed location. In addition to sharing insights on hitting launch windows and pipeline visibility, Pamela and Carrie provide an update on the PDMA PIM Conference and shed light on the latest product portfolio management rumors.