Designing Synchronization To The Company Standard

In my previous blog post I discussed how planning is key to success. Once the planning is complete, then comes the design, which can be simple to configure with our suite of integration tools. With some practice, you can configure 8 mappings between 2 projects and 4 types using templates. This includes development of the...

Sind Projekttafeln wirklich Kanban? Wie veraltetes Projektmanagement die kontinuierliche Verbesserung verhindert

Mein Name ist Amber Bartlett und ich bin eine Bildungsspezialistin bei Planview AgilePlace. Ich habe das Vergnügen, mit Kunden zusammenzuarbeiten, wenn sie mit der Implementierung unseres Tools beginnen. Eine Frage, die mir regelmäßig gestellt wird, betrifft die Frage, wie viele Boards eine Person haben sollte. Sollte jedes Projekt sein eigenes Board bekommen, oder gibt es...

How to Guarantee Failure in Your Agile DevOps Transformation

Many organizations make the same mistakes when it comes to scaling Agile and DevOps and then attempt to rectify those mistakes by formulating a new strategy—only to miss the real reasons why the initiative failed. As someone who helps companies through software delivery transformations, I’ve seen my share of ineffective behaviors. What I find most...

How Do You Turn Strategic Goals into an Executable Plan?

Da ich eine große Rolle bei Planview Enterprise 12 gespielt habe, denke ich darüber nach, was wir unseren Kunden bei der Priorisierung und Kapazitätsplanung helfen wollen, und was heute in der IT passiert. Die Technologie hat sich in jeden Aspekt unseres Lebens und unserer Geschäfte integriert. Um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben,...

Optimierung des PMO für die Herausforderungen von heute

We learned in a recent webinar with Melinda Ballou, analyst at IDC and author of the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Cloud PPM and PPM SaaS 2015-2016 Vendor Assessment that challenges facing today’s Program Management Offices (PMOs) are ever-changing; staying ahead of the curve has proven to be more challenging than ever as technology advances quicker than...

Summer of Agile Reading List

This week marked the official start of summer in the northern hemisphere, and here at Tasktop, we’ve declared this the Summer of Agile. We got started a bit early with last week’s webinar: SAFe & Requirements Management: Oxymoron or Practical Reality? with our VP of Product Management, Nicole Bryan. To be fair, Nicole and I...

Managing Constraints Effectively with the Right Resource Planning Software – Enrich Consulting

Watch a three-minute overview of the Enrich Analytics features discussed in this case study. Growth is a good thing—it means larger market share, more profit, greater reach. But it also brings challenges, as a company struggles to allocate resources to support growth without over-committing itself. A rapidly growing pharmaceutical company faced exactly this dilemma: the company...

Managing Constraints Effectively with the Right Resource Planning Software – Enrich Consulting

Watch a three-minute overview of the Enrich Analytics features discussed in this case study. Growth is a good thing—it means larger market share, more profit, greater reach. But it also brings challenges, as a company struggles to allocate resources to support growth without over-committing itself. A rapidly growing pharmaceutical company faced exactly this dilemma: the company...

Synchronize Targetprocess With Other Tools In Your Agile Stack

Here at Tasktop, we’re excited about the release of our Targetprocess connector. Having used Targetprocess for almost 2 years, we are thrilled to announce the capability to synchronize Targetprocess with other tools in the agile stack. Indeed, the ability to integrate Targetprocess with other tools is something that we ourselves need and have started to...