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Mylyn 3.0 released

Veröffentlicht By Mik Kersten
Mylyn 3.0 released

The Mylyn team is very pleased to announce today’s release of Mylyn 3.0 along with the Eclipse Ganymede release train. This occasion marks a big step in the evolution of the task-focused interface:

  • Numerous new features added since the Europa Mylyn 2.0 release, including offline task creation, focus for breakpoints and major performance improvements
  • 1703 bug reports resolved, 246 via patches from community contributions
  • Available in all Ganymede downloads other than Eclipse Classic
  • Support for both Eclipse 3.4 and 3.3
mylyn 3

But the most amazing thing happening with Mylyn right now is the growing ecosystem of integrations. It’s great to see new language support, such as support for C/C++ via CDT’s Mylyn extensions. The Mylyn 2.0 release brought the task-focused interface to the very high usability bar set by the Eclipse Platform, and provided a first cut at APIs that enabled third parties to author connectors. The Mylyn 3.0 release brings us to the very high API quality bar set by the Eclipse Platform, by insulating integrators from framework internals, and providing APIs that will be binary compatible for the foreseeable future.

We are still in the process of improving API documentation and tutorials, and the framework will continue to evolve as we consume the next round of integrator feedback. But Mylyn connectors will now be significantly more robust and easier to implement. This is just the start of the Mylyn 3.0 release wave, as numerous integrations are in the process of porting to Mylyn 3.0. The reference implementations and connectors available from the project are already ported (Bugzilla, Trac, JIRA, XPlanner, Web Templates, DLTK and Subversive), so if you use any of these you can update today. The following open source projects already have early access builds for Mylyn 3.0 available. Watch the Mylyn Extensions page for updates to the others.

  • SpringIDE bridge for focusing Spring Framework artifacts
  • Subclipse team integration
  • Mantis task repository connector

Commercial products built on Mylyn are also in the process of being updated:

  • Tasktop Summer will be available July 23rd. A new free version of Tasktop will provide time tracking, Gmail integration, and one-click install of Mylyn 3.0 based partner connectors for repositories by Atlassian, CollabNet and Rally.
  • SpringSource Tool Suite will incorporate Mylyn 3.0 in August with an update of its upcoming 1.0 release, based on Mylyn 2.3.
  • JBuilder will incorporate Mylyn 3.0 and Eclipse 3.4 later this year.

Enjoy the latest and greatest Mylyn release and stay tuned to this blog for an upcoming webcast on Mylyn 3.0. For now check out the New & Noteworthy.

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Geschrieben von Mik Kersten

Dr. Mik Kersten begann seine Karriere als Research Scientist bei Xerox PARC, wo er die erste aspektorientierte Entwicklungsumgebung schuf. Im Rahmen seiner Doktorarbeit in Informatik an der University of British Columbia leistete er anschließend Pionierarbeit bei der Integration von Entwicklungstools mit Agile- und DevOps. Aus dieser Forschung heraus gründete Mik Kersten Tasktop. Er hat über eine Million Zeilen Open-Source-Code geschrieben, die noch heute verwendet werden, und sieben erfolgreiche Open-Source- und kommerzielle Produkte auf den Markt gebracht. Darüber hinaus war er an einigen der umfangreichsten digitalen Transformationen der Welt beteiligt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erkannte er die fehlende Vernetzung zwischen Führungskräften und Technologiefachleuten. Seitdem arbeitet er an der Entwicklung neuer Tools und eines neuen Frameworks, dem Flow Framework™, um Software-Value-Stream-Netzwerke zu schaffen und die Umstellung von Projekten auf Produkte zu ermöglichen. Mik lebt mit seiner Familie in Vancouver, Kanada, und reist um die ganze Welt, um seine Vision von der Transformation der Softwareentwicklung mit anderen zu teilen. Zudem ist er der Autor von Project to Product, einem Buch, das IT-Organisationen hilft, im Software-Zeitalter zu bestehen und zu wachsen.