Tasktop Blogger
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Tasktop Blogger

Just learned about HPE ALM Octane? Your deployment planning starts now

Today, HPE announced some pretty exciting news: the release of HPE Application Lifecycle Management Octane (HPE ALM Octane). This product is specifically designed for high-velocity, Lean and Agile teams and clearly represents HPE’s next generation of application lifecycle management products. Thanks to our relationship with HPE, we’ve been working with HPE ALM Octane since its...

Horse Phone and Unicode at Tasktop

Horse Phone ♞☎, a Tasktop meme that has significance far beyond its unassuming appearance. A few lucky people have seen glimpses of this rare beast in demos at Tasktop – but what does it mean? Horse Phone ♞☎ is the tip of the proverbial unicode testing iceberg for Tasktop’s connectors. Our approach to testing integrations,...

Service Startup and Docker Compose

We make extensive use of Docker and Docker Compose at Tasktop for building, testing and deploying our products. One of the pain points that we run in to is services that fail to start when other services are not available – for example a web app that fails to start unless the database is already...

Agile, DevOps, Lean – What’s Your Maturity Level?

At Tasktop, we’re always looking for ways to improve your application delivery efforts. This time we have engaged Forrester Research to create the Modern Application Delivery (MAD) self-assessment tool to evaluate where your organization stands now in Agile, DevOps and Lean initiatives. In just five minutes, the assessment will help you evaluate where your organization...

How to pick dependencies from a developer’s point of view

Dependencies are an essential part of each software project. Without utilizing existing libraries the scope of a project explodes because you can’t solve every problem by yourself. Today we rely heavily on open source libraries to get the work done for us. Basically there is a library for nearly every problem and every language. But how do...

Learning New Things

It’s mid-2015. Our product and platform had evolved from a pure Java application to a mixed-technology web-based solution, and I found myself realizing that I had to up my game. I’d built many web applications before. But my drive to hone my skills was coming from the company’s need to move ahead with a faster,...

Open Sourcing Eclipse Dropwizard Tools

Here at Tasktop we really like industry standards. It’s important for us to use well known tools and frameworks to make transitions between teams easier. When it comes to creating a REST API there is no way around JAX-RS in the Java world. But JAX-RS (or one of it’s implementations) is not a full server...

ESBs Are Made For This

This is written from the perspective of an Enterprise Architect tasked with enabling an organization’s effort to be more competitive by adopting Agile. The company has turned to SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) as a way of scaling Agile since initial attempts at Agile were not successful despite lots and lots of scrum master trainings. I’m...

Scaled Agile, Lean, and the Journey to Scaled DevOps

This week, Tasktop announced its latest innovation in software lifecycle integration. We’ve added a whole new integration capability to our portfolio that enables DevOps practices to scale to the rest of the Connected Software Lifecycle.  What this means to our customers is that they finally have the DevOps Integration Hub needed to scale DevOps transformations...