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Sechs Schritte zum Ressourcenmanagement

Asset #3: Die besten 4 Ressourcen für IT- und EPMO-Profis

Veröffentlicht Von Martha Garcia
Sechs Schritte zum Ressourcenmanagement

We’re at the homestretch! This series features the most popular resources for IT and EPMO professionals of 2014 has so far included: insightful research on the state of resource management and capacity planning as well as a best-practice video on four key strategies for managing resource and capacity when rolling out a new enterprise initiative.

Today, I’d like to introduce the third featured resource, a case study webcast called, “Why Resource Management: The Art and Science of Projecting Capacity Featuring Farmers Insurance.”

I like this webcast because it features Larry Stanton, Senior Manager at Farmers Insurance talking about how his organization is overcoming resource management and capacity constraints. During the webcast, Larry is joined by Jerry Manas, best-selling business author who also shares his insights on the topic. These two experts discuss how capacity is only manageable when you understand demand and they provide six key steps companies can use to improve their current processes.

Larry says, “If you don’t know where you are going, how are you going to get there? Demand tells us where we are going, so you must understand the full scope of your demand.”

Here are the 6 steps to improve resource management. I’ve included their associated time stamps to easily navigate to the details that interest you.

  1. Understand the demand (8:32)
  2. Assign people to that demand (12:00)
  3. Track utilization and update the assignments (15:30)
  4. Begin capacity planning (18:59)
  5. Validate the data and reduce variation (21:58)
  6. Present the Data to Senior Executives (25:29)

I encourage you to listen to the webcast: Why Resource Management – The Art and Science of Projecting Capacity Featuring Farmers Insurance and let me know if it was helpful. You can also access their complete customer story on the Planview Vibrant Customer Community page. What is your approach to managing resource and capacity within your enterprise? Share by leaving a comment below.

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Geschrieben von Martha Garcia

Martha Garcia schloss ihr Studium an der University of Texas in Austin mit einem BS in Kommunikationswissenschaften ab. Hier entwickelte sie ihr Interesse an Unternehmenskommunikation, insbesondere in den Bereichen Veränderungsmanagement in komplexen Organisationen sowie Führung und Organisationsverhalten. Martha arbeitet eng mit Vordenkern in den Bereichen IT und PMO zusammen, um überzeugende Programme und Inhalte zu entwickeln, darunter informative Webcasts und White Papers für die IT-PMO-Community.