One of the questions that often gets asked of “C level” executives is what keeps them up at night? What are the addressable critical components for the role that ostensibly determine success or failure? Careers are made or vaporized if these questions aren’t contemplated, answered, planned, and then executed.
In our business here at Innotas, it’s always easy to rely on the conventional fallback position of feature function, but that would be too simplistic for how we define ourselves. It is our vision and our pursuit of building software differently and seeing the market as it should be; not as it is.
For this reason, we find ourselves again as the leader in the Gartner leaders quadrant for the 5th consecutive year running. Of course all of us at Innotas are proud and humbled by this honor, but it’s not in our nature to gloat or rest easy on this impressive accolade. We are characterized by our customer’s satisfaction and the new companies that join our ecosystem in pursuit of PPM excellence.
The challenge we continue to accept is how we market and sell our disruptive technology and vision, rather than simply a building product. Lead and you will find followers. We lead.
Today, with so many choices for IT to evaluate, how can any “C level” executive determine which move to make unless the choice is positioned differently? This is where we will continue to innovate. From our earliest days here at Innotas, we have been consistent with our belief that IT Portfolio Management was a concept that was different from simple PPM or APM. We ask why, not how, as so many others tend to do.
The Innotas market perspective from our beginnings was always to try and be different, relevant, and supportive of the process for IT Portfolio Management. Our multi-tenant architecture was disruptive; our support model and subject matter expertise culture is known throughout our industry. We have always, and will continue to understand the challenges of working towards perfection in Project Portfolio Management with predictive analytics to support the best possible decisions for IT departments.
Congratulations to all Innotas’ past and present members of our ecosystem.