Patrick Anderson
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Patrick Anderson

Patrick is Senior Content Manager at Tasktop and oversees the company's content and thought leadership programs. Outside the office, you’ll find him reading, writing, slapping some bass (poorly), rambling in nature and following his English football (soccer) team, West Ham United.

Improving global reporting for Enterprise IT with Value Stream Integration

“Lack of knowledge…that’s the problem” – W. Edwards Deming. Not understanding a situation can make the best of us feel anxious and frustrated. Sleepless nights, long contemplative walks along the sea wall, drawing on windows a la John Nash. Uncertainty can plague any person and workforce. Sure, at a team-level we can implement mechanisms for communication...

Love Your Tool, Love Your Work, Love Your Job

“We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works.” – Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt : Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time (2002) Since today is Valentine’s Day, let’s talk about love and technology. I’ll go first. For many years I’ve been in a wild and stormy relationship...

Atlassian’s Jira Cloud API Change – All you need to know (and how Value Stream Integration means you don’t need to worry)

Software tool vendors, such as Atlassian, can amend their APIs at any moment for multiple reasons. As business needs change rapidly and unexpectedly, developers must integrate new application components into existing architecture to ensure the software is as innovative, functional and responsive as possible for their customers. What this means is that the tools that...

10 Trends and Predictions for Software Development and Delivery in 2019  

Earlier this month our CEO, Mik Kersten, studied the tea leaves to provide five predictions for the software industry over the coming decade – but what about the more immediate future? A lot happened in 2018, for both Tasktop and the wider industry, not to mention the geopolitical landscape (but we won’t go into that...

Reflections from DevOps Enterprise Summit 2018 with Carmen DeArdo

Most enterprises do not yet think of their delivery pipeline as a product. When I mentioned this concept to a few folks, they literally slapped themselves on the head and said something like “that makes so much sense and it so simple, why didn’t we think of that!” – Carmen DeArdo, Tasktop It’s been a...

Gain powerful insights into your SAFe transformation with Value Stream Management

If traditional enterprises want to tap into the immense business possibilities created by the Age of Software, they need to accelerate the value delivery of their digital products and services – and fast. This isn’t ground-breaking news – most organizations are acutely aware that they need to scale their software delivery capacity and capabilities to...

How CIOs can make software delivery their strongest asset

A lot rests on the shoulders of CIOs and other IT leaders at traditional businesses. They face an almost daily battle against digital disruption. With startups and other digital-native companies gobbling up market share through software-driven products and services, one inalienable truth has become clear: software is responsible for a greater and greater share of...