Patrick Anderson
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Patrick Anderson

Patrick is Senior Content Manager at Tasktop and oversees the company's content and thought leadership programs. Outside the office, you’ll find him reading, writing, slapping some bass (poorly), rambling in nature and following his English football (soccer) team, West Ham United.

Tasktop Connect 2017 captures the imagination of the software development community

“I thought Tasktop Connect had a great mix of honest User Stories and helpful Tasktop information. The event had the feel of a well-seasoned conference, I was stunned to find out it was the first one!” – Tom Horn, Collaboration Lead for Development Solutions, US Bank The inaugural Tasktop Connect kicked off with a bang last...

The linchpin of large-scale software development? Communication

“I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction.” – Anon Twelve months ago, I walked into Tasktop as a software rookie. I knew what software was, of course, and I knew of its importance in a digital world. But that was pretty much the extent of my knowledge. Much like the internet, free healthcare and air...

ELK Stack for Improved Support

The ELK stack, composed of Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana, is world-class dashboarding for real-time monitoring of server environments, enabling sophisticated analysis and troubleshooting. Could we also leverage this great tooling to our advantage in situations where access to the server environment is an impossibility? Recently while investigating a customer support case, I looked into whether...

Imitation is Limitation – Why Your Agile and DevOps Transformations are Failing

You probably know that your software delivery capabilities are vital in safeguarding your organization against digital disruption from younger, more digital-native companies. To address this threat, you’ve probably adopted widely-publicized Agile and DevOps practices to enhance the delivery speed and quality of your software. Perhaps you or your someone in your team was inspired by...

Value Stream Automation = Superior Software Delivery

Automation isn’t a new trend in IT, but its increasing influence continues to dramatically transform business-critical processes including software delivery. In a time where speed and productivity can make the difference between the failure and success of a project – and provide that all-important competitive edge – automation is crucial in vanquishing repetitive tasks that...

How Value Stream Visibility Enhances Software Delivery

A software development and delivery lifecycle typically comprises many people, teams, tools and disciplines. Often the data within these multiple components is siloed and visibility across the value stream is poor (or even non-existent). Ultimately this means the quality and speed of the software delivery suffers, IT projects fail and Agile and DevOps transformations struggle...

Test Management – An Integration Opportunity

Test management is the practice of managing, running and recording the results of a potentially complicated suite of automated and manual tests. Test management also provides visibility, traceability and control of the testing process to deliver high quality software, quickly. Tools for test management are generally used to plan and manage tests, test runs and...

Value Stream Integration

Every business is now a digital business – if you’re not then you’re vulnerable to disruption. Traditional business models, infrastructures and operations are in a flux as software continues to usurp and transform the status quo. Look at Airbnb and hotels, Uber and taxis, Netflix and films, Amazon and retail…you get the picture. The message...

TasktopLIVE: The Software Delivery Game is Changing

Last Tuesday, we unveiled our next-generation product Tasktop Integration Hub at our headquarters in Vancouver. During a live-stream event – TasktopLIVE – we set our new approach to software delivery and explained how we’re redefining the Agile and DevOps landscape. CEO and founder, Dr Mik Kersten, kicked off proceedings by providing acute analysis of the software delivery...

Why Do Software Lifecycle Integration Projects Fail?

Most software lifecycle integration (SLI) projects fail because organizations underestimate just how difficult integration is and are unaware that software development and delivery tools are not designed to integrate. The APIs in endpoint tools were built by their vendors to create a tiered architecture and not necessarily for third party integration. The tools are built...