Michelle Wong
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Michelle Wong

Michelle Wong is the Content Strategist for Planview's value stream management and software toolchain integration solutions for software delivery. Her content focuses on digital transformation topics including Project to Product, Flow Framework, DevOps, Agile, and SAFe.

Choosing the Right Path: Building vs Buying Value Stream Integration Software

Organizations often face a crucial decision when investing in a value stream integration solution: should they build a custom value stream integration solution in-house or invest in a pre-built one? Explore the intricacies of this decision-making process, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each option and understanding the scenarios in which investing in a ready-made commercial solution is most beneficial.

A Truly Agile Federal Government Focuses on Flow

As the digital-first world further intensifies the urgent need for faster IT modernization across the U.S. federal government, IT and program leaders must find a better way to manage their software delivery organizations to improve strategic decision-making and outcomes. Much like the private sector, accelerating adaptive response is key to supporting key government programs. From...

5 Factors Determining Success or Failure in the Shift From Project to Product

The 2023 Project to Product State of the Industry Report gives us a peek into why an astounding 92% of organizations are struggling to operationalize the transition from project to product. Learn what five factors were identified from survey results that increase the likelihood of success or failure.