Kevin Kern
Posts by

Kevin Kern

Project Portfolio Management Predictions for 2016

Each year we review and reflect on some of the industry specific Project Portfolio Management trends of the past year and consider trends for the coming year that might have an impact on the business. Here are our six project portfolio management predictions heading into 2016: If you’re not managing your applications, they’re managing you....

Why Resources Are The Lifeline To A PMO’s Success

Resources are an IT leaders’ biggest asset and it is undeniably the most challenging part of management. With such a large investment in people – training, evaluating, motivating, and managing – it is in every organization’s best interest to have a resource management plan that keeps resources working on the right projects at the right...

The Only Way To Predict Your Future Is To Create It

Innotas has had a number of customer and prospect conversations where the need for a corporate or IT-driven “cloud initiative” was a critical need.  After hearing this, we reflect on the rapid change of cloud solutions from the early adopters and point solutions to broader acceptance of cloud solutions across the globe. We now see purpose...

Five Steps Towards PMO Success

Ideally, it’s a centralized hub for organizing processes; managing special projects; and facilitating the free flow of information across your enterprise. The ultimate Project Management Office (PMO) is a model of defined and aligned processes, with results tracking and transparency to match. Try these tips for project management success. ONE:  Make business processes defined—and repeatable....

The Changing Role of the CIO – From Technologist to Business Strategist

An article published by about the modern day CIO and the challenges that they face resonated with us for several reasons.  First, the talent pool for the position as ascribed in the article differs a bit from years past.  Secondly, the characteristics and requirements for this role are shifting and lastly, the expectations for...