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Project Portfolio Management

The Only Way To Predict Your Future Is To Create It

Published By Kevin Kern

Innotas has had a number of customer and prospect conversations where the need for a corporate or IT-driven “cloud initiative” was a critical need.  After hearing this, we reflect on the rapid change of cloud solutions from the early adopters and point solutions to broader acceptance of cloud solutions across the globe.

We now see purpose driven initiatives toward cloud solutions for the enterprise.  Cloud companies regardless of your flavor — software, platform, or infrastructure —  drive a rapid maturity curve, which is exciting and underscores how we’ve built our business model. So it comes as no surprise to us that we see an increase in demand for cloud integrations, and escalating demand for relevant analytics

This is why we built the “Predictive Portfolio” which changes the landscape of Project Management applications forever.

Data availability requirements and timely information for decision-making have exponentially increased over the past several years, and Innotas has once again answered the bell. Portfolio cloud solutions spawned demand for more integration points between agile development tools, service desks HR systems and many more data sources, which in the PPM world affects resource supply and demand.  We argue that the rapid adoption and a growing trend of cloud initiatives will drive the advancement and development of cloud integration strategies, solutions, and interfaces which led us to think about the next generation of Portfolio Management.

The latest Innotas release of the Predictive Portfolio is elegant, easy to use, cost efficient and reconciles the gap between informational wants and needs of today’s CIO.  This new software helps companies predict, plan, and re-plan all of the projects across the enterprise and recommends which of the highest value projects and resources on the roadmap are viable – within minutes  !

At Innotas we developed products that were necessary, then we thought of what was possible and finally with the Predictive Portfolio we built what many thought to be impossible.

Check us out and take a look at the new predictive world Innotas can offer you.

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Written by Kevin Kern