
6 Steps to Become a Lean Organization

THE WHY AND HOW BEHIND LEAN In previous posts, we’ve talked about the benefits of becoming a Lean organization. We’ve looked at Lean’s guiding principles, and how it’s been used to help organizations continuously improve the way they work and how they develop products. In this article, we’re going to take it a step further and explore...

Leading an Agile Transformation in Your Enterprise – An Interview with Jon Terry

Most organizations are on the path to scaling Agile within software development or IT. Although organizations are beginning to see the advantages of an Agile transformation beyond IT, a successful transformation involves more executive participation in an active way. No longer do you need to convince executives they should support scaling Agile delivery, but instead,...

Lean Product Management: Why It Matters

While many tools can be incredibly helpful, there are some that simply rise above the rest in terms of their simplicity, intuitiveness, and ease of use. You know, those apps that guide you seamlessly from one step to another, anticipating your every question, providing every answer exactly when you need it. It’s especially impressive when...

Why You Need an Agile Culture Shift

SCALING AGILE THROUGH THE CREATION OF STABLE TEAMS OF TEAMS Agile has been around for a while now. Since the birth of the Agile Manifesto in 2001, companies of all sizes have dipped their toes into Agile methodologies. Many organizations start small with pockets of teams “doing” Agile. These grassroots efforts are great for a...

Creating Continuous Improvement with Lean Metrics

Organizations operating under the Lean approach should have the same primary goal in mind—continuous improvement. Companies can use Lean to optimize operations, increase customer value, cut back on waste, and anything else that can be improved in the organization for driving innovation and adding value. But how do you know if your initiatives are working?...

A Look into Program-level Kanban Design

Up until now, we’ve spent a lot of time looking at how a well-planned Kanban design can empower IT Operations, making it easier for team members to complete tasks within their agreed-upon timeframes. As such, Kanban has proven itself to be an invaluable tool for team-based project management, giving managers more control over resources and capacity within their...

The Benefits of Scaling Agile

Agile has become a hot topic in project management. Many top businesses around the world are interested in scaling Agile across entire organizations. But despite its recent surge in popularity, Agile is far from a new concept in project management. Officially created in 2001, Agile’s origins go back multiple decades and have been used to help teams...

Lean Methodology: What Is It and Why Do You Need It?

If you’ve worked in management for some time, you’ve heard discussions around Lean methodology. It’s a popular business philosophy known for reducing waste and improving efficiency. But aside from being a popular buzzword, what is Lean? And more importantly, can it benefit your organization? Short answer: Yes. Lean Methodology can be used to improve the...

General Guidelines for Kanban Board Design

By now, you’ve probably already heard how Kanban can transform the way IT Operations teams manage tasks. From delegating roles to prioritizing assignments, Kanban makes it easier for IT Operations to meet deadlines and deliver customer satisfaction. But in order to enjoy the benefits Kanban has to offer, you need to follow a few guidelines regarding Kanban...

The Major Tenets to Designing a Basic Kanban System

In our last post, we mentioned there were four tenets needed when designing a basic Kanban system. We also touched on the first two tenets and how to apply them in IT Operations. For those who don’t remember, the four tenets of Kanban are: Making the work visible. Limiting the work in progress. Measuring and improving...