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Project Portfolio Management

Surviving the Zombie PMO Apocalypse

Recognize the symptoms before it's too late

Published By Maria Harper

Zombie PMO

The PMO is under fire … but why? Perhaps the business is evolving and the focus of the PMO has shifted. Is digital transformation and the need to drive growth strategies across the organization creating complexity? Can the PMO handle it, or is it dangerously slow in responding to change and delivering business value? If your team is feeling feverish and project and programs are in poor health, beware! The Zombie PMO pandemic is upon us.

Recognize the symptoms before your team permanently becomes part of the walking dead.

Zombie-like SymptomsZombie-PMO Symptoms
  • Pain or itching at the site of the bite wound or other site of viral entry
  • Being mired in clerical tasks
  • Stiff muscles
  • Operating with a one-size-fits-all philosophy
  • Flu-like symptoms, such as headache, fever, fatigue, nausea
  • Maintaining the same standards, regardless of changing work types
  • Increased production of thick saliva
  • Upholding a flimsy definition of value
  • Painful spasms and contractions of the throat when exposed to water
  • Failing to recognize variety in projects and programs


Mobilize your team and get the antidote

If you recognize any of these fatal symptoms–you must mobilize. The first rule in surviving the Zombie apocalypse is to team up and strategize. You already have smart, resourceful people in the PMO–leverage them. Meet and discuss what needs to change, and then create a plan of attack to combat the epidemic. To help you and your team get started, register for the webinar: From Zombie PMO to Adaptive PMO: Cure the Zombie Affliction: Evolve to Become an Adaptive PMO. In the webinar, you will discover the complete list of Zombie-like symptoms, the three types of Zombie PMOs (which will help you assess the current state) and provide three ways to reanimate the PMO.

Zombie PMO Webinar

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Written by Maria Harper Manager, Demand Generation

Maria Harper is a demand generation specialist at Planview focusing on PPM solutions and French and German marketing. She is passionate about data-driven marketing and enjoys applying analytical insights to creative messaging in order maximize marketing potential. She graduated from the University of Missouri with bachelor degrees in German and Journalism.