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Varför programvaruprojekt tar så lång tid (och hur man hanterar det)

Publicerad Av Team AdaptiveWork

Software projects, while not inherently unknowable, are notoriously difficult to estimate. In fact, a study by PWC found that the largest contributor to IT project failures, at 32%, was poor estimation at the project planning phase. But why do software projects take so long (i.e. longer than you think)?

Well, there are a number of reasons why software project management performs so poorly when it comes to delivering projects on time. These include:

  • Unclear objectives: One of the biggest issues that developers face is clients who don’t actually know what they want. An initial estimate can be pushed back weeks from even starting as the exploration phase drags on and the project is clearly defined.
  • Not all developers can work at the same speed: There are varying estimates as to the difference between the capabilities of good developers and average developers, ranging from 5:1 to 300:1 (from a Google Vice-President). Just because one developer managed a certain task in two weeks doesn’t mean another will be able to complete it in the same time.
  • Vill du driva på tidtabellen: Av olika anledningar, t.ex. för att försöka få igenom ett affärsprojekt eller för att imponera på högre chefer, kan ledningen eller projektsponsorer vara avsiktligt överoptimistiska med sina metoder för uppskattning av programvaruprojekt. Att skjuta fram tidsfrister istället för att backa dem leder sällan till att leveranserna sker i tid.
  • Late-in-game changes: It happens with nearly every development project – the team is five months in, and two weeks off delivery, the client gets a look at an evaluation prototype and suddenly they actually want something completely different. The result is a big firestorm as they try to push for out-of-scope changes, while the team tries to explain why that can’t happen, usually resulting in a compromise that brings the project way over time and budget, which then has to be further explained at the executive level.
  • Alla processer beaktas inte: Alltför ofta tar de metoder som används för att uppskatta programvaruprojekt inte hänsyn till vad som faktiskt krävs för att göra programvaran "kundklar". Alfa-testning, betatestning och slutliga buggfixar tar tid och kan inte skyndas igenom, oavsett när tidsfristen gick ut.

There is a multitude of reasons why software project estimation techniques fail to adequately predict a project’s timeline. So, what can be done to make those estimations better? Here are some tips:

Determine your critical path: An effective critical path approach will set out the minimum possible length the project can take. This is at least a good place to begin from and gives everyone a basic idea of where they stand.

Välj en uppskattningsstrategi som passar projektet: Det finns ett antal metoder för uppskattning av programvaruprojekt som ofta används. Vilket som är rätt för dig beror på lagets situation vid den aktuella tidpunkten:

  • Expert-driven estimation: The lead expert on a given point is asked to give their estimation and all of these are gathered together.
  • Analogy-based estimation: Using the experience of similar projects and tasks to make predictions.
  • Uppskattning genom komplexitet: För större projekt med mycket att uppskatta tilldelas uppgifter ett komplexitetsvärde, och därefter beräknas tidsåtgången utifrån komplexiteten.
  • Negotiated estimation: Team leads and subject matter experts give their estimates and negotiate through differences if there are any.

Gör uppskattningar med hjälp av externa källor: Om projektet har en projektsponsor eller en person som du kan lita på kan kontrollera de uppskattningar du gör, använd dem och be om deras hjälp.

Use a 20% range: Rather than insisting on a precise estimate, give a range, to account for the likely unknowables in the project. A standard range to go by is whatever your final estimation would be + 20%.

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