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Förvaltning av produktportföljen, Strategisk planering

Single Source of Truth, Make Way for a Single Source of Understanding

Publicerad Av Dr. Richard Sonnenblick

In my last post, I covered the essential attributes of an effective single source of truth—a consolidated, reliable source of project information. But simply collecting project details into a centralized vault is not enough for effective decision-making. Your single source of truth needs to become a single source of understanding. A single source of understanding moves beyond the (admittedly already ambitious) single source of truth to:

  • Drive consensus on what you do and do not know about the cost, risk, and value of your initiatives
  • Resolve (not just surface) disagreements
  • Go beyond “what is” and highlight “what’s changed” since the last discussion
  • Support conversations around available options and their impacts

Is there really a single truth?

It is a cruel irony that you can create a single source of truth, but there is no single truth. Business is fraught with uncertainty, and no one truly knows whether an innovative product will meet engineering specs, cost constraints, customer requirements, or sales expectations or whether a capital investment will be completed on time, stay within its budget, or realize its projected benefits.

So why even bother? Because focused, productive conversations about the many possible truths drive confident decisions, and those conversations are impossible without real-time access to expert opinions from across the company.

Happily, your repository can (and should) not only support those conversations but preserve them and trace their evolution. A single source of truth that does those things becomes a single source of understanding. A single source of understanding communicates not only what you know but how confidently you know it. That goal is achieved through tools that accomplish two things:

Capture multiple stakeholders’ opinions. Let project teams, program heads, and managers provide their estimates of project risk, technology readiness, or strategic fit. Then, analyze each opportunity in light of these estimates.

Express key inputs as a range. For the most important (and least known) drivers of project value, such as market share for product development or benefits for capital investment, don’t use a single number. Provide a range of values and, if the organization supports it, use a simulation to see how different iterations of these uncertain values affect key business case metrics.

If you allow these two things to happen within your single source of truth repository, you can start to identify key sources of uncertainty and manage them to reduce uncertainty and increase the probability your portfolio will produce the results you need.

What you need to resolve disagreements (or agree to disagree)

A single source of understanding helps resolve disagreements on project cost, risk, and value by storing (and reporting) key assumptions.

I’ve never seen an argument about a project’s revenue forecast or a cash-flow metric like net present value go anywhere productive; shouts of “optimistic” or “too low” won’t lead to a meeting of the minds. The conversation needs to address the assumptions behind the metric. If the underlying assumptions are documented in your single source of truth, executives and project teams can productively debate the assumptions—rather than the numbers—and their ties to the business case.

For instance, your single source of truth for a product within your development portfolio might capture assumptions underlying projected revenue, such as market size, market share, number of competitor products, relative product strength/novelty, and price positioning. Similarly, assumptions about the probability of technical success for a capital investment project might rely on assessments of technology readiness, the engineering capabilities required, and the availability of vendors or subcontractors.

The information supporting these assumptions may be structured, like a table of market attributes, or it may be unstructured and stored as paragraph text. Either way, if information is buried in PowerPoint or Word documents, it won’t be available when it is needed most, to resolve disagreements about project prospects.

The importance of knowing how we got here

I’m often asked how to identify underperforming projects in a portfolio of investments. My answer is to look beyond the current forecast for the project and observe whether (and how) that forecast has changed. Consider trends, not point data. Learning that project launch costs have recently tripled offers more insight into a project’s trajectory than knowing those costs are $1.5 million. Knowing that a project originally positioned as a first-in-class market leader is now considered a market fast-follower is critical to evaluating its future prospects—and deciding whether it merits continued funding.

To provide this insight, a single source of understanding must provide not only an assessment of current prospects but also the ability to highlight significant changes in cost, risk, timing, and value at all levels of the portfolio. Not surprisingly, there is no single way to report variance; which method you use depends on the type of variance and the variance context (project, program, or portfolio).

Waterfall charts are a great way to highlight changes across an entire portfolio. Our customers often begin portfolio review sessions with a waterfall chart to answer the question “What has changed since the last review?” and to encourage executives to focus their questions on the projects driving the biggest changes in portfolio value.

Nothing ever goes as planned, so what is plan B?

A single source of truth can allow you to explore your portfolio, but for most strategic planning exercises, simply exploring the portfolio is not enough. Planning often requires assessing partnerships, acquisitions, and divestments in the context of the current portfolio. You also need to be able to understand the implications of specific projects, programs, and portfolio successes and failures.

The ability to arrive at this understanding—without resorting to a labyrinth of one-off spreadsheet models only you will know how to interpret and extend—is the final difference between a single source of truth and a single source of understanding. A single source of understanding enables real-time scenario analysis with a calculation engine that has seamless access to all portfolio information. And those scenarios can be preserved for future consideration. Rather than being forgotten on staff laptops, they can be saved within the system and reliably recalled weeks or months later, when business cases and their options are revisited. Scenarios representing acquisition decisions that come to pass can be folded into the portfolio base case with a few clicks.

Portfolio management is a journey

Whether you’ve built a robust single source of understanding at your firm or you are still chipping away at the challenges of creating a complete, up-to-date single source of truth, I hope you’ve identified some valuable improvements you can make to your current process.

Learn more about how Planview Advisor can provide the cornerstone of your single source of understanding.

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Skrivet av Dr. Richard Sonnenblick Chief Data Scientist

Sonnenblick, Planviews Chief Data Scientist, har många års erfarenhet av att arbeta med några av världens största läkemedels- och life science-företag. Genom denna djupgående studie och tillämpning har han framgångsrikt formulerat insiktsfulla prioriterings- och portföljgranskningsprocesser, poängsystem samt finansiella värderings- och prognosmetoder för att förbättra både produktprognoser och portföljanalys. Sonnenblick har en Ph.D. och MS från Carnegie Mellon University i teknik och offentlig politik och en BA i fysik från University of California, Santa Cruz.