Produkter & Verktyg

Planview levererar lösningar som hjälper organisationer att utnyttja sin resurspotential. Våra lösningar omfattar portfölj- och resurshantering, strategisk planering, arbetssamarbete och företagsarkitektur. Utforska produktkategorin för att lära dig mer om Planviews produkter: Planview Enterprise, Innotas, Troux och Projectplace. Du kan också utforska våra senaste produktversioner och ta reda på hur de kan hjälpa din organisation att förbättra resursutnyttjandet, påskynda marknadsintroduktionen och öka produktiviteten. Ta dig igenom bruset med våra tips för sunt förnuft för att driva tillväxt och innovation med hjälp av strategisk planering. Du får också veta hur vårt team ständigt utvecklas och utformar produkter för att tillgodose dina mest angelägna behov. Vårt fokus ligger helt klart på att stödja komplexiteten i din organisation så att du enkelt kan anpassa program och projekt till dina strategiska mål och spåra framstegen mot baslinjer.

How to be successful with your DevSecOps transformation with Value Stream Integration

“Cybersecurity is a software “arms race” between companies managing IT and software infrastructures that protect sensitive data and bad actors who create infrastructure and software to break through those protections.” – Dr. Mik Kersten, Project to Product: How To Survive and Thrive in Age of Digital Disruption with the Flow Framework™ The RSA Conference (March...

Improving global reporting for Enterprise IT with Value Stream Integration

“Lack of knowledge…that’s the problem” – W. Edwards Deming. Not understanding a situation can make the best of us feel anxious and frustrated. Sleepless nights, long contemplative walks along the sea wall, drawing on windows a la John Nash. Uncertainty can plague any person and workforce. Sure, at a team-level we can implement mechanisms for communication...

Love Your Tool, Love Your Work, Love Your Job

“We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works.” – Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt : Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time (2002) Since today is Valentine’s Day, let’s talk about love and technology. I’ll go first. For many years I’ve been in a wild and stormy relationship...

Atlassian’s Jira Cloud API Change – All you need to know (and how Value Stream Integration means you don’t need to worry)

Software tool vendors, such as Atlassian, can amend their APIs at any moment for multiple reasons. As business needs change rapidly and unexpectedly, developers must integrate new application components into existing architecture to ensure the software is as innovative, functional and responsive as possible for their customers. What this means is that the tools that...

Product Release: What’s New in Tasktop Integration Hub 19.1

A new release of Tasktop Integration Hub, 19.1, is available today, including support for Jira Cloud API changes related to GDPR, a new connector for XebiaLabs XL Release, and features that make it easy to move project routings between integrations and provide one final update to twinless artifacts. Below are the release highlights. For full details...

Genomför en agil omvandling med Planview Portfolios Release 17

Du har förmodligen hört mycket om Lean och Agile eller Agile transformation på sistone. Det är logiskt, eftersom dagens ständigt föränderliga marknad leder till ett företagsövergripande skifte inom företagen - ett skifte för att leverera snabbare. Det nya fokuset på leverans leder till att organisationer ändrar sin struktur. De går över till antingen dedikerade team eller en hybrid...

What’s new in Tasktop Integration Hub 18.4?

A new release of Tasktop Integration Hub is available today. Version 18.4 includes new prebuilt integration patterns for faster integration, point-and-click configuration of code traceability use cases for Git-based repositories, and support for Trello, a project management and collaboration tool from Atlassian. 18.4 also includes features that further minimize repository load when Tasktop scans for...

We’ve got you covered – Tasktop instantly supports Atlassian’s new product Jira Ops

Just three days ago, Atlassian announced the launch of Jira Ops, “a unified incident command center” that gives teams a single place for response coordination. Jira Ops, which aims to help teams resolve outages faster and incur fewer incidents over time, is available through Atlassian’s early access program and will be generally available in early...

The painful experience of a Product Analyst with no software toolchain integration

When I joined Tasktop about three months ago, I quickly realized that Tasktop targets the exact same problems that I faced during my previous job as a Product Analyst. In that role I was using various tools to ensure inbound open source and third party licensing compliance. To complete my daily tasks, I used a combination...