Produkter & Verktyg

Planview levererar lösningar som hjälper organisationer att utnyttja sin resurspotential. Våra lösningar omfattar portfölj- och resurshantering, strategisk planering, arbetssamarbete och företagsarkitektur. Utforska produktkategorin för att lära dig mer om Planviews produkter: Planview Enterprise, Innotas, Troux och Projectplace. Du kan också utforska våra senaste produktversioner och ta reda på hur de kan hjälpa din organisation att förbättra resursutnyttjandet, påskynda marknadsintroduktionen och öka produktiviteten. Ta dig igenom bruset med våra tips för sunt förnuft för att driva tillväxt och innovation med hjälp av strategisk planering. Du får också veta hur vårt team ständigt utvecklas och utformar produkter för att tillgodose dina mest angelägna behov. Vårt fokus ligger helt klart på att stödja komplexiteten i din organisation så att du enkelt kan anpassa program och projekt till dina strategiska mål och spåra framstegen mot baslinjer.

Optimizing UX: How to set up your own Usability Testing Program in-house  

Testing Tasktop Integration Hub’s user experience is a rather complex undertaking. As my colleague Rebecca explained in her blog last week, “Tasktop suffers from an interesting, almost paradoxical problem: the users who benefit most from our product often have no idea that it exists”. To address this problem, we devised a Usability Testing Program —...

Bootstrapping a Usability Testing Program

Tasktop Integration Hub suffers from an interesting, almost paradoxical problem: the users who benefit most from our product often have no idea that it exists. They’ve never seen its user interface (UI), never done any configuration, and probably couldn’t even name our product if asked. When our product functions as it should, there’s no reason...

How Tricentis’s Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can accelerate the time to value of your software delivery

The time spent on a repetitive configuration process before completing a purchase order can negatively impact your software product’s time to value. For pre-sales and consulting engineers, this process usually involves repeatedly installing and configuring software to achieve a minimum-viable use case – i.e., meeting minimum requirements to prove that the software works as promised....

What’s in your wheelhouse? Integrating ServiceNow with Jira

Ask any avid cyclist about the importance of their wheels. If their bike is highly customized, ask them if they consider the number of spokes, lacing pattern, or manufacturer of the hub and rim that make up their wheel. If the cyclist is a world-class professional, ask the same question to their Tour Manager. The...

Centralizing Testing Data To Deliver High Quality Products Faster

“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.” Bill Gates, Microsoft founder and CEO Test automation is no longer a nice-to-have capability for enterprises. Rather it’s a...

New Product Release: What’s New in Tasktop Integration Hub Version 19.2

A new release of Tasktop Integration Hub, 19.2, is available today, which includes: Centralized test design and execution data across tools for unified reporting Support for BMC Remedy REST API Support for Zephyr for Jira GDPR Changes Incorporation of partner branding changes Centralizing Test Design and Execution Data across Tools for Unified Reporting Many organizations...

Jira Cloud, Jira Server, and Jira Data Center Integrations

On a daily basis, we help our customers with connecting various SDLC tools, so that they can use best of breed tools and still communicate clearly with each other. An example would be a Jira integration with a support tool like ServiceNow. After attending the Atlassian Summit, I noticed an interesting pattern that was common...

Sju knep för att förenkla administrationen av Planview-portföljerna

Om du arbetar i en miljö som liknar min utmanas du förmodligen dagligen av att förbättra dataintegriteten för användarna, ge dem enkel tillgång till information och göra snabba ändringar för att minska deras frustration. Jag har åtta enkla knep som jag har använt med Planview Portfolios® för att hantera alla dessa utmaningar, bygga engagemang och...

How software developers can rediscover their passion for building great products [e-book]

At their core, software developers and engineers are creatives who enjoy fixing problems and delighting end users. They’re 21st-century digital-artists, driven by creating experiences that improve the way we live and work. “The most satisfying part of software development is creative things,” reflects Kevin Stark, a software engineer at Tasktop. “Building something useful out of nothing...

Keep the data flowing – five things you need to know about the Jira Cloud API change

In case you missed our previous post on the subject, here’s a quick summary of what you need to know about the upcoming change to Atlassian Jira Cloud’s APIs to avoid disruption to your software delivery value stream. 1. Atlassian’s new approach to user identification is driven by the GDPR The changes to Atlassian Cloud...