Produkter & Verktyg

Planview levererar lösningar som hjälper organisationer att utnyttja sin resurspotential. Våra lösningar omfattar portfölj- och resurshantering, strategisk planering, arbetssamarbete och företagsarkitektur. Utforska produktkategorin för att lära dig mer om Planviews produkter: Planview Enterprise, Innotas, Troux och Projectplace. Du kan också utforska våra senaste produktversioner och ta reda på hur de kan hjälpa din organisation att förbättra resursutnyttjandet, påskynda marknadsintroduktionen och öka produktiviteten. Ta dig igenom bruset med våra tips för sunt förnuft för att driva tillväxt och innovation med hjälp av strategisk planering. Du får också veta hur vårt team ständigt utvecklas och utformar produkter för att tillgodose dina mest angelägna behov. Vårt fokus ligger helt klart på att stödja komplexiteten i din organisation så att du enkelt kan anpassa program och projekt till dina strategiska mål och spåra framstegen mot baslinjer.

How We Delivered More Features and Solved Incidents Faster By Using Our Own Product

“Eating your own dog food,” “ice creaming,” “drinking your own champagne” — whatever you want to call it — refers to a company using its own product, either to test drive it or to show confidence in it. Well, here at Tasktop we have another reason for using our own products: We actually really like...

New Product Release: Planview Hub 21.2 – Design Facelift, Enhanced Support for Jira, GitLab, BMC Remedy

The latest product release from the Tasktop Value Stream Management (VSM) platform—Planview Hub 21.2—is out today. The latest updates and optimizes make end-to-end enterprise toolchain integration even easier and impactful. Our customers—Fortune 500 companies and other large-scale organizations across major industries such as manufacturing, finance, healthcare and government—can further boost their business agility as they...

New Product Release: Planview Hub 21.1 – Jira, Leankit, VersionOne, Tricentis Tosca Integration

The latest product release from the Tasktop Value Stream Management platform—Planview Hub 21.1—is out today, making end-to-end enterprise toolchain integration even easier and impactful. New exciting features include: The ability to take action on specific artifacts pairs Expanding support for multiple Atlassian Jira plugins Enhancements to our LeanKit, VersionOne and Tosca support View, Synchronize, Delete, and Recreate Specific...

Enhancing ITIL Incident Management and the Customer Experience: Integrating ServiceNow with Atlassian Jira and Microsoft Azure DevOps

Delivering a premium digital experience is more than just clever features and functionality: it’s about maximizing uptime for end users. Our ongoing work with a Fortune 500 healthcare company illustrates just how important a seamless incident management process is to ensure product stability, and customer and employee happiness. Tasktop integrated the organization’s ITSM tool—ServiceNow—to its...

New Product Release: Planview Viz™ – Measure Your Value Stream Management (VSM) Journey

With Planview Viz, executives and practitioners are able to finally gain cross-value stream insights in one consolidated place. The incredible Fortune 100 adoption since its launch has helped us develop and prioritize the features that companies of this size need today to improve their business value delivery.  We’re pleased to announce some exciting new features...

Atlassian’s Journey to the Cloud: Why You Need Enterprise-Grade Toolchain Integration

Atlassian’s latest announcement around its Cloud strategy is a great example of how your software delivery toolchain is a living and breathing platform. One that is perpetually influenced by the evolution of existing tools, the arrival of new tools, and the departure of legacy platforms. It is also a stark reminder that you need to...

New Product Release: Planview Hub 20.4 – Artifact Unions, Micro Focus/Octane Use Case, Configuration History, Daimler AG Connector

Tasktop’s latest product release from its Value Stream Management platform—Planview Hub 20.4—is out today, making end-to-end enterprise toolchain integration even easier and impactful. New exciting features include: Artifact unions Test Management use case between Micro Focus ALM and ALM Octane Configuration history New connector for Daimler/Mercedes-Benz AG’s new defect and test management system Introducing Artifact Unions Have...

Planview Planview IdeaPlace lanserar Microsoft Power BI Analytics

Att visa på värdet av ditt crowdsourcingprogram är grundläggande för att skapa, öka och i slutändan upprätthålla engagemanget och för att säkra finansiering. Genom hela innovationstrappan kan du mäta programmets avkastning på investerat kapital genom en rad olika mätvärden, allt från medarbetarnas engagemang till intäkter och kostnadsbesparingar för de idéer som genomförs. Det är viktigt att du har...

New Product Release: Integrate Jira Align with Planview Hub 20.3

Tasktop’s latest product release from its Value Stream Management platform—Planview Hub 20.3—is out today, making end-to-end enterprise toolchain integration even easier and impactful. You can now tightly integrate Jira Align with the rest of your software delivery value stream to improve the speed, velocity and quality of your deliveries. Alongside a host of new UX features,...