Maja Majewski
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Maja Majewski

Komma igång med kontinuerlig förbättring, del 2: Genomförande och mätning

In the first post in this series on continuous improvement, we discussed planning to improve, including how to set up your Kanban board to collect meaningful continuous improvement metrics. Continuing our use of the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Adjust) framework, this post will cover the next two steps in the cycle of continuous improvement: Do and Check! DO: IDENTIFY...

Komma igång med kontinuerlig förbättring, del 1: Planera för att förbättra

Whether you’re still finding your way around your Kanban board or you’ve been practicing Kanban for a while, you’ve likely stumbled upon the phrase ‘continuous improvement.’ At first glance, the meaning of this phrase seems self-evident: It’s just about aiming to always improve, right? Yes—it’s true that the goal of continuous improvement is to help...

Psykologin bakom Lean-metoderna

Organizational culture is defined as the underlying beliefs, assumptions, values and ways of interacting that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization. When implemented holistically and sustainably, Lean methods have been shown to promote a healthy organizational culture. This isn’t a coincidence: Rooted in behavioral psychology, Lean methods emphasize respect for others, effective...

Hur man byter från fysiska till online Kanban-tavlor

There are many reasons why your team might currently be using a physical Kanban board rather than an online Kanban board. For one, using a physical Kanban board is a great way to learn the fundamentals of Kanban. It can get your team to commit to the idea of sharing work on a shared board,...

8 Idéer för möten som du kan prova med ditt team

Permanenta möten har dåligt rykte - även om de startas med avsikten att hålla ett visst ämne, mål eller initiativ i fokus, utvecklas de ofta till störande tidsspill som hindrar teamet från att göra verkligt arbete. Vi har alla återkommande möten i våra kalendrar som ger upphov till skratt bakom skärmen. Men när det underlättas på rätt sätt och organiseras kring en gemensam...