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Project Portfolio Management

Don’t Get Stuck “Beyond the Wall”—4 Dragons to Fire Up Your PMO

Published By Martha Garcia

If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, you’ll appreciate the analogy of how PMOs can feel like they are constantly trying to protect their kingdoms when it comes to expanding the scope of portfolio management into the organization. Check out the 4 Dragons (trends) for portfolio management that will help you fire up and defend your PMO by addressing these market trends head on.

This informative, short presentation may offer you insight into how to become a better PMO and stay south of the wall where it is warmer.



What fuels enterprise-wide portfolio management and how the user experience of a portfolio and resource management solution makes it easier than ever for all userswhat the 4 Dragons can teach you:

  • How to align the PMO with the business to drive revenue and organizational change
  • How to conquer the concept of capacity management and investment planning across Agile and project initiatives to provide a decision-making framework to business units
  • The integration tools that map execution back to the plan to better understand performance and enable PMOs to demonstrate value to the enterprise

Innovative organizations embrace these trends and combine them with their own best practices and leadership to improve their PMO. What can your organization do when you have the Dragons in your arsenal? We’re betting you will seize the throne!

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Written by Martha Garcia

Martha Garcia graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a BS in Communication Studies. It was here that she developed an interest in corporate communication, specifically in the areas of change management within complex organizations as well as leadership and organizational behavior. Martha is responsible for working closely with thought leaders in the areas of IT and the PMO to develop compelling programs and content including informative webcasts and white papers for the IT PMO community.