Project Portfolio Management

The PMO is under constant pressure. From maintaining standards for project management practices to planning and delivering projects – the PMO needs to be in constant sync with strategy and business outcomes. This PMO blog category provides numerous recommendations from experts to encourage top down and bottom up planning, improve processes, promote stakeholder satisfaction, and ultimately eliminate silos to advance the PMO function. Get expert advice on the pros and cons of adopting a continuous planning model. Experts will also share real-world advice on choosing your next Project Portfolio Management tool and how to #BeThatPMO your business needs.

The World of Work Today: Embracing Different Types of Work

In my previous blog, The Workberg: Structured and Unstructured Work, I explain the concept of the Workberg to illustrate the different types of work going on in your organization. Above the waterline is where the formal, structured, process-driven projects get done. Meanwhile, below the waterline is where we find teams of people cranking out day-to-day...

Managing Multiple Projects? Avoid These Mistakes!

It happens all the time: you’re working on a project and you get asked to take on another, then another and then another. The prospect of multi project management can be intimidating and fill even the most experienced project managers with dread. Whatever the likelihood of making mistakes while managing a single project, this is...

Making your work simple, intuitive and proactive

We’re excited to launch the Planview AdaptiveWork Bot and make it widely available to our US customers. The Planview AdaptiveWork Bot is simple to use, easy to communicate with and proactive in how it provides alerts. Here’s a little background on why we created the Bot in the first place. At Planview AdaptiveWork, we noticed...

Why Spreadsheets Need to Die (or At Least Retire) for Project Management

They were born of an earlier time, simpler days when anything went; it was the 80s, the Wild West era of documents. Spreadsheets were created, initially for numbers, which made sense, but they didn’t stop at just numbers. With the birth of Excel and the hegemony of Windows, these rows and columns spread all over...

Four Common Workflow Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

The concept behind process improvement is creating fluidity in your daily routine. This happens by establishing a consistent and predictable flow of work that is easily directed. A sequence of processes through which a task passes from planning to completion is known as a “workflow” and managing the progression can be demanding. Once you have...

What You Need to Know About Project Audits

If you are like most project managers, project audits are likely to be something that you dread. What’s not stressful about scrutinizing large amounts of resources, time and labor in order to locate weaknesses? Additionally, the very word “audit” bears a negative cultural connotation. However, far from being the proverbial doomsday scenario, project auditing can...

Why You Need Both PPM and Agile – Part 2

In part one of my two-part blog series, I highlight 3 of the 7 reasons why Agile and PPM are not mutually exclusive. By using both Agile and Project Portfolio Management (PPM), you can make your business more nimble and competitive. With Agile, you can implement change quickly. With PPM, you can manage all types...

Using Real-Time Tracking to Boost Productivity

The Very Real Benefits of Real-Time Tracking In today’s fast-paced business environment, information is more ephemeral than ever. In terms of efficiency and development, the concepts of speed and information are crucial. Consequently, appropriately monitoring these conditions necessitates the implementation of real time tracking. Monitoring productivity in real time helps negate counterproductive factors stemming not...

How to Manage a Team That Keeps Growing…and Growing

As businesses grow and change, it’s not uncommon to find project managers suddenly saddled with more growth than they can handle. But for a great PM, managing growth is part of the job. When thinking about how to build a team and encourage the best from your team members, consider a few tips for keeping...

Portfolio and Resource Management at Work: Real-World Use Cases

Today’s organizations are challenged to drive innovation and transformation like never before. Savvy PMOs and IT organizations realize that they must go beyond simply completing projects on time and on budget. They must create and drive these innovation and digital transformation initiatives – or at least deliver them – in line with business objectives. Yet,...