Agile Release Trains are Key to Scaling Outcomes

The software industry developed Agile methods decades ago to help it deliver code updates on a timely basis. Over the years, Agile has been adopted elsewhere in the enterprise since many areas in business require continual updates delivered on a routine, predictable basis. Agile typically starts with small teams focused on contributing parts to a...

How to Protect Your Time Without Saying “No”

Overstretching your mental and physical resources is a common occurrence for many of us, especially those who have trouble saying no to extra tasks on top of a full workload. Avoiding burnout at work can then involve trying to manage expectations while at the same time not seeming like you’re slacking or being a team...

Infographic – What’s stopping your enterprise from having an agile marketing team?

Agile marketing is constantly evolving, like the Jedi skills of young Luke Skywalker, as new best practices emerge. Meanwhile, traditional technologies need a helping hand to manage industry changes. Enterprises must embrace the fact that agile marketing isn’t optional — it’s essential to staying competitive and appealing to customers. What’s stopping your enterprise from having...

Which Is Better: The Waterfall vs. Agile Debate

Since organizations are constantly exploring new ways to enhance the way teams work, Waterfall vs. Agile has become one of the more popular debates. Once confined almost exclusively to software development, Agile methodologies are being used by organizations across industries as an alternative to the Waterfall method. But does being popular make Agile a better...

Anti-Managing: How to Loosen the Reigns without Losing Control

We’ve already taken a good look at the future of management, or should we say “anti-management”? This involves throwing off the shackles and constraints of traditional management structures and hierarchies, which can constrict innovation and places decision-making in the hands of people who might not actually know the most about what they’re deciding on. Many...

Healthcare PMO: BCBS Roundtable Exchanges Thought Provoking Ideas

A healthcare PMO today must have a strong constitution. Not only are they faced with challenges unique to healthcare, PMOs are also going through the trends mentioned in our recent post, “Conquer Your Business Transformation.” These include realizing Agile-at-scale, embracing the changing world of work, and creating an innovation culture. During the recent Planview Horizons...

Agile for Marketing: Right here, right now — right for you

Marketing technology is upending the way, and the speed at which marketing teams work with each other; customers, vendors and other teams in their organization. New platforms and technologies are opening up exciting new possibilities for marketers to communicate and engage with prospects and customers more effectively. What’s more, marketing professionals can now almost instantly...

3 Reasons You Need Agile IT

By now, everyone knows that introducing agile methodologies into business operations usually translates into faster deliveries, greater productivity and increased adaptability and responsiveness to change. Everywhere you look, diverse teams in almost every industry are successfully leveraging agile practices to beat their deadlines and achieve their goals. Yet in the world of IT infrastructure and...

Why Enterprises Are Failing: A Look Inside Trends Affecting the S&P 500

By 2027, according to research by Innosight, the average lifespan of an S&P 500 company is expected to be just 12 years, exactly half of what it was only a few years ago (24 years in 2016). This shrinking lifespan is caused by a number of factors—record private equity activity, a robust M&A market, and...

Guide to Successful PPM Implementation

Project portfolio management is all about taking a broader view of the projects undertaken by your organization. While there are natural similarities and overlaps with project management, the core objectives of project portfolio management are to improve how projects are executed across the whole organization rather than focusing on delivering one single project. Project portfolio...