Project Kickoff: Ensuring Your Project Starts Off on the Right Foot

Written by: Brad Egel When you think of project kickoff, what comes to mind first? Starting a fresh project where everything is right with the world? A new beginning with a new client who is excited and ready to work with you on the path to a successful end solution? A fresh start with zero issues...

Macro trend: Microservices

Tech disruptors, such as Uber and Amazon, have placed huge pressure on businesses to innovate at an ever faster pace. To do so, organizations have had to rethink their traditional approach to development, leading many to embrace ‘microservices’ – an approach to application development in which a large application is built as a suite of...

Keeping project resourcing on track: How to avoid derailment

It takes a lot to pull off a number of projects simultaneously: the right resources, a great plan, and most importantly a team with the right expertise. Some variables can be managed with the right planning, but team members leaving midway through projects can throw a spanner in the works.

5 steps to improved task management

This article isn't going to focus on any one task management solution. What works best for you, your project, your project customer, your project team and your overall collaboration and reporting needs is for you to figure out and decide. But what I can and will discuss here is my own thoughts on five key...

Project management: Getting down to the basics

Wouldn't it be nice if we could break project management (PM) down to simple basics? Some key practices to follow that would simplify our lives as project managers and make repeatable successes a more likely concept going forward? Oh wait! I know the answer to this one. We can.

Crowdsourcing Ideas with a Virtual Workforce

In a traditional office environment, crowdsourcing ideas can take a variety of forms. While suggestion boxes and whiteboards are the most tangible ways of gathering input, water cooler chats and drive-by desk conversations also present frequent, albeit informal, opportunities for brainstorming or vetting ideas.  But as the world responded to the COVID-19 pandemic with an abrupt shift to remote work, tangible and in-person ways of crowdsourcing employees were no longer an option — and for some organizations,...

7 Essential Tools & Technologies that Remote Workers Need to Succeed

A survey by Gartner has revealed that 74 percent of CFOs plan on shifting at least five percent of previously on-site employees to permanently remote positions once the COVID-19 crisis ends. And McKinsey & Company concludes: “remote working was gaining currency before the crisis, but the pandemic has shown that telecommuting is here to stay.”...

The Rise of Value Stream Management (VSM)

In 2006, I got a call from a Forrester analyst. I was in the midst of wrapping up my thesis and spending most of my days coding, and had no clue as to why an analyst would want to talk to me. I then found out that analyst was Carey Schwaber, the daughter of Scrum...

Application Portfolio Optimization: Value Up in a Down Economy

Application portfolio optimization has never been more important than today. The practice can lower operating costs as well as foster innovation and growth. Companies that emerge strongest from economic downturns do both. According to the latest Fortune CEO survey, nearly 80% of CEOs have “significantly accelerated” digital transformation during the pandemic. The biggest areas of investment...

Portfolio Management in a Pandemic: A Case Study

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought severe disruption to many industries, including drug development and medical device companies. All businesses face uncertainty about the return to normalcy—and what normal will even look like going forward. For some industries, the new normal might look very different. For others, like pharma and medical devices, the new normal may...