How PMOs can future-proof their role in the office of tomorrow

The digital revolution is changing every aspect of the workplace, but few jobs will be reshaped as fundamentally as those in the project management office. The research firm Gartner predicts that by 2030, as much as 80% of the traditional work of the PMO (data collection, tracking, and reporting) could be performed by AI. The...

5 Things 2020 Taught Us About Innovation

The end of any year – but especially the end of the most bizarre 12 months of our present human experience – brings a period of reflection and learning. And if there was a teachable moment for businesses in 2020, the overarching lesson (if not the most obvious one) is that unprecedented change requires an unprecedented response of agility and innovation. In this article, we’ll unpack the ways in which companies responded to such a turbulent year. You’ll learn five...

Agile Team Names: What’s in a name?

In traditional organizations, teams don’t have to think much about their team name, because it’s usually defined by their function: Marketing team, sales team, etc. But Agile team names? Those require a bit more thought. Choosing a unique Agile team name can be a fun, creative exercise that helps to solidify your team’s identity and...

AI and Project Management: What Will Change for the Better?

Computing technology is meant to make life easier for all mankind, adding convenience to all kinds of processes that might otherwise require human time and effort. The use of artificial intelligence (AI), which encompasses machine learning and decision-making capabilities normally ascribed to humans, is the next evolutionary step, and it is already well underway. Already...

Top Five Resource Management Best Practices

Despite a widespread acceptance of projects that end up behind deadlines and over budget, there is a surprising lack of motivation to change how projects are organized or to take preventative measures. A study in the Harvard Business Review, found that the average cost overrun was 27%, which is a business-changing margin of difference. Similar...

The Power of Progress Trend Analysis

Every task, milestone and project in Planview AdaptiveWork features two invaluable parameters that are usually not used to their full potential – these are ‘expected progress’ and ‘% complete.’The following article demonstrates how careful observation of these two parameters, and the relations between them, provides actionable intelligence and insight to any project. The ‘expected progress’...

5 Ways to Turn Conference Calls into Effective Meetings

Move over, email. Step aside, cubicles. Take a hike, undersized parking lot. There’s a despised new addition to the ENTERPRISE LEAST WANTED LIST, and it took a Planview AdaptiveWork survey to force it out of the shadows and into the spotlight: conference calls. About the Survey The aforementioned survey, which was conducted online by Harris...

How to Manage and Make the Most of Your Marketing Assets

In the digital sphere, it can often seem like the world is awash with too much content, yet quality content is still king and shines through the mass of poorly produced work. McDonald’s isn’t about to create a campaign around a random picture of a burger taken by one of their executives; a quality burger...

Failing Fast Is Fine—If You Fail Right

Silicon Valley’s “fail fast” mantra has become gospel in recent years. Its evangelists promise failure, defined as a series of product tests and tweaks, leads to success. They urge failing fast, failing forward and failing often. They pepper TED talks with failure confessionals, and let’s not forget FailCon, an entire conference dedicated to the concept....

Best Practices for Managing Incoming Work Requests

Project managers wear many hats and they are expected to perform as a jack-of-all-trades. Efficiently fielding incoming work requests is what makes somebody an excellent team leader. To manage a project efficiently, the project manager needs to be able to prioritize work as it flows in. Project management best practices (and what creates the foundation...