About WIP Limits and Card Size

One of the new features just released in Planview AgilePlace Kanban is the ability to specify WIP Limits by Card “Size”, instead of the number of Cards in a lane. Earlier this week, after announcing this feature, I got a couple of “Really?” emails like this one, from Arne Roock: Chris, just saw your new features. Most of them...

Introducing Board Cloning! And more!

We are excited to announce a new set of features for our Team Edition based on ideas coming from our best source – you – our customers. We think you’ll agree that these features help move Kanban from the team level to the enterprise, while still retaining our trademark ease-of-use. And just wait ’til you see some...

Make Process Policies Explicit

In his book, Kanban – Successful Evolutionary Change for your Technology Business, David Anderson identified five core properties that have been observed to be present in each successful implementation of the Kanban Method. Visualize the Workflow Limit WIP (work in process) Manage Flow Make Process Policies Explicit Improve Collaboratively (using Models and the Scientific Method) The fourth...

Mylyn visiting Skills Matter

Ever wondered what is going on inside the brain of people working at Tasktop? Last week, I had to honor to speak at Skills Matter, Europe’s largest provider of open-source and agile trainings in the London area. It was a great time in London and Skills Matter was kind enough to provide a recorded version...

A Look Down the (Pipe)Line

As PIPELINE 2011 — a free, Web-based product innovation conference — draws near, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting more than a few of its presenters. Last year, we at Planview started this PIPELINE thing with the initial PIPELINE 2010 conference. We felt there was a great opportunity to leverage a virtual technology platform to...

Using Strategic Capacity Planning to Manage R&D Portfolio Resource Bottlenecks – Enrich Consulting

Rocks in the river When selecting projects for the portfolio, practitioners of Strategic Capacity Planning often exclusively consider financial constraints. Though the terminology varies across industries–outside costs, out-of-pocket expenditures, external expenditure–the concept is the same: money spent on something other than staff. If internal resources are considered at all, it is usually at a very...

Proposal to move Hudson to Eclipse

Some of the most successful open source projects have histories that transcend organizational boundaries. My first experience with this was AspectJ, which we launched as an independent open source portal out of Xerox PARC in 2000. In 2003 our DARPA funding dried up, but the user community was still growing. We moved the project to...

Top 5 Trends for Product Development Companies

Not a day goes by in which I am not asked: Carrie, what do you see as the coming trends for product development companies? (Well, maybe a day or two passes without the question — but with my travel schedule, I can be awfully hard track down.) Given that, I thought I’d share with you...

The Difference Between Product Portfolio Management and Product Lifecycle Management

On the global manufacturing stage, companies are innovating and bringing more products to market faster with the aid of two types of software: Product Portfolio Management (PPM) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). Both solutions are designed to provide intelligence and insights to ensure the timely and on-budget delivery of high-quality and competitive products. Often, the...

Careful! We Have Hot Keys

Now, on the options tab, you can enable Hot Keys to make commonly used actions even easier: Try Planview AgilePlace Kanban Free for 30 days! Once Hot Keys are enabled, you can use them any time you are viewing an online kanban board: to add new cards, search for cards, or view the backlog and archive. Keep...