Solving the Resource Capacity Conundrum

As a business leader, your job is to set strategic initiatives and grow the business. The conundrum is how to reconcile capacity and demand to determine what your organization can accomplish while adapting to constant change. Here’s some information on solving resource capacity problems. In a recent study, a group of 480 leaders and executives...

Process or Solution? A Modern Day Chicken or Egg Dilemma

The greatest dilemma of all time is alive and well. No, not if the chicken or the egg came first. The question is, “Do I get a solid process in place first, or buy a tool to help manage the process first?” Without a process, there is nothing for a solution to support, yet without...

How to Let Business Needs Drive Your Enterprise Architecture

In preparation for our webinar with Forrester Research, How to Let Business Needs Drive Your Enterprise Architecture, I was reading a report about letting business needs drive your enterprise architecture practice. The key takeaway that resonated with me the most was that EA should be strategic and one way to do this is by using...

Don’t Waste Valuable Time on Ineffective Project Collaboration

Collaborating across multiple departments, geographies, and time zones can take a toll on productivity. According to resent research, professionals across the U.S. and Europe are wasting weeks a year on ineffective project collaboration. European collaboration study: Project managers admit to wasting an average of 2 hours and 45 minutes a week due to inefficient practices,...

This is How Crowdsourcing Innovation Works (6 Steps)

Confused by crowdsourcing? You’re not alone — though it’s getting more popular by the day, this approach to innovation is still new to many business leaders. But with 30% of CEOs worried that they’re not risking enough for growth, and 69% fearful of competitors stealing their business, it’s time to learn the ropes. In a nutshell...

Building the Best Vision for Your PMO: 4 Mandatory Components

Whether your PMO is brand new or has been around for years, the vision is one of the key components. Without it, each person is beating to their own drum and moving in a different direction. Powerful and guiding, a clear vision will align everyone to make sure we’re all moving towards the same goals....

Work Visualized with Projectplace’s New Dashboard Section

Instant access to the status of your ongoing work and projects is crucial information to stay on track with your project and reach goals, not just for you but for the whole team. From today, project managers, team members, and senior management get instant insight into project status and work progress with new Dashboard section...

All team members keep track of progress with new Dashboard section in Projectplace

Work has now become even more visualized in Projectplace. All team members can easily keep track of progress with a brand new Dashboard section.  Instant access to realtime status updates of your projects is invaluable information for teams and project managers. Planview is now releasing a new Dashboard section in Projectplace with widgets providing a clear visualization of how a project is...

Getting Started: Top 5 Kanban Resources

The Kanban technique emerged in the late 1940s as Toyota’s reimagined approach to manufacturing and engineering. The system’s highly visual nature allowed teams to communicate more easily on what work needed to be done and when. It also standardized cues and refined processes, which helped to reduce waste and maximize value. The application of Kanban to knowledge...