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Product Portfolio Management

Meeting Product Launch Windows and the PIM Conference

Published By Planview

The Product Portfolio Mavens are back and this time they’ve recorded in an undisclosed location. In addition to sharing insights on hitting launch windows and pipeline visibility, Pamela and Carrie provide an update on the PDMA PIM Conference and shed light on the latest product portfolio management rumors.

Here are links to the programs the Mavens discuss:

Want to share your feedback with The Mavens? Join them for the next #PDPMchat on Twitter at hashtag #PDPMchat on managing your ideation portfolio 10/17 at 2 PM EST.

Can you guess where the Mavens recorded (the undisclosed location)? Want to suggest a location or topics for next time? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. The best recommendation (as judged by the Mavens) will receive a copy of the book, Taming Change with Portfolio Management.

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