Last week, Planview CEO Greg Gilmore put work and resource management on the agenda of every CIO with his debut blog on CIO.com.
Why work and resource management, and why now? As Greg explains, the role of the CIO has expanded from simply protecting data and networks to turning the data on those networks into business insights that can win customers and drive revenue. CEOs want CIOs to focus on customer acquisition and retention, leading product innovation, and collaborating on customer initiatives.
Work and resource management helps companies of any size and industry orchestrate capabilities, resources, and outcomes to achieve strategic objectives and goals. The CIO is in a unique position to equip teams across the organization with collaborative tools that meet security and technology standards and enable the new virtual, global workforce to improve the customer experience, improve business processes, and increase operational efficiency and grow the business.
Si vous n'êtes pas un DSI, vous avez tout de même un rôle à jouer. Des architectes d'entreprise aux "chefs de projet accidentels" comme moi, nous pouvons tous adopter de nouvelles approches de nos rôles pour nous préparer à la transformation numérique et répondre aux attentes actuelles de la main-d'œuvre et des clients. Lisez l'article sur CIO.com et si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, obtenez votre exemplaire gratuit de "Charting Your Journey to Success in Today's Technology Revolution". Il fournit des informations sur la manière dont la gestion du travail et des ressources peut aider votre entreprise à relever le prochain défi commercial.