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Les feuilles de route technologiques comblent ce grave déficit de communication

It’s time to think ahead or be left behind

Publié le Par Jane Kovacs

Les feuilles de route technologiques comblent ce grave déficit de communication

Ah, annual planning season. It’s time to break out those ambitious strategic plans for the new year, but with one small adjustment—this year, bring technology strategy to the forefront with technology roadmaps. See, the unfortunate truth is that many organizations create their annual plans without proper collaboration with technology leaders. They instead engage with such leaders too late, causing them to incur huge costs to upgrade legacy systems, rework underperforming applications, etc. Not a great way to start a new year if you ask me.

In his latest CIO article, Patrick Tickle, Planview chief product officer, explains how to avoid such problems by engaging with technology decision makers early and often. Address any skills gap at the top, educate executives about technology, and encourage collaboration with technology specialists. These are the specialists who can help your organization set a sustainable pace for transformation, ensuring you don’t aim too high, only to end up falling flat.

How exactly should you enable collaboration between executives and technology experts? The answer is simple—technology roadmaps. Having an active technology strategy and roadmap will not only help your organization reduce the cost of upgrading outdated systems but will enable you to bridge the communication gap between technology leaders and their business counterparts. It enables you to visualize the work being done and better connect strategy to delivery. Want to learn more? Read the full CIO article by Patrick Tickle, “Think ahead or be left behind.”

Product Innovation and Technology Strategy by Patrick Tickle

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Rédaction du contenu Jane Kovacs

Jane Kovacs est une professionnelle des relations publiques, passionnée de geek et de boutons, qui aime les nouvelles idées brillantes et trouver des moyens d'utiliser la technologie pour tirer le meilleur parti de sa journée. Elle apporte plus de 20 ans d'expérience à son rôle de responsable mondial des relations publiques chez Planview. Son parcours comprend des rôles de communication chez Pennzoil, EDS, AMD, FleishmanHillard et 3M. Elle est passionnée par le fait d'aider les entreprises à partager leurs histoires et à se connecter avec leurs clients.