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Maîtriser le dilemme des ressources [Extrait et infographie].

Gestion des ressources et planification de la capacité

Publié le By Martha Garcia
Maîtriser le dilemme des ressources [Extrait et infographie].

No one plans on letting project deadlines slip, missing business opportunities, or slowing innovation. Whether overcommitting or underutilizing, there is always a high price to pay for not using resources efficiently or focusing them on the most strategic efforts.

Just how costly? According to a 2014 benchmark study of 480 planning and resource leaders from around the globe, the top business risks associated with poor Resource Management and Capacity Planning include:

  • Loss of revenue (51%)
  • Missed business opportunities (51%)
  • Dissatisfied customers or clients (28%)

On the flip side, those taking a holistic view into both pipeline demand and resource capacity are 53 percent more likely to operate at a higher maturity level and are reaping the benefits of doing so. In fact, top performing companies realize the value of focusing on capacity planning as a priority.

Take a peek at the findings, download an excerpt of The 2014 State of Resource Management and Capacity PlanningMastering the Resource Dilemma: Five Key Practices of Top Performing Organizations and glance at the infographic below.

Here are some key takeaways:

  • Proof that the resource dilemma can be solved: as maturity increases, pain points decrease
  • Top five best practices of high performing organizations and interview summaries at different stages of maturity
  • Steps for assessing your resource management and capacity planning maturity

Planview Resource Management Capacity Planning 2014 Infographic

Read the excerpt now to deliver on your business goals with the most efficient and intelligent use of resources. I also invite you to explore a plethora of information related to this topic at:

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Rédaction du contenu Martha Garcia

Martha Garcia est diplômée de l'Université du Texas à Austin avec un BS en études de communication. C'est là qu'elle a développé un intérêt pour la communication d'entreprise, plus particulièrement dans les domaines de la gestion du changement au sein d'organisations complexes ainsi que du leadership et du comportement organisationnel. Martha est chargée de travailler en étroite collaboration avec des leaders d'opinion dans les domaines de l'informatique et du PMO afin de développer des programmes et du contenu convaincants, notamment des webcasts informatifs et des livres blancs pour la communauté des PMO informatiques.