Gestion de portefeuilles de projets

Le PMO est soumis à une pression constante. Du maintien des normes pour les pratiques de gestion de projet à la planification et à la réalisation des projets - le PMO doit être en synchronisation constante avec la stratégie et les résultats commerciaux. Cette catégorie de blog PMO fournit de nombreuses recommandations d'experts pour encourager la planification descendante et ascendante, améliorer les processus, promouvoir la satisfaction des parties prenantes et, finalement, éliminer les silos pour faire progresser la fonction PMO. Obtenez des conseils d'experts sur les avantages et les inconvénients de l'adoption d'un modèle de planification continue. Les experts partageront également des conseils concrets sur le choix de votre prochain outil de gestion de portefeuille de projets et sur la manière de #BeThatPMO dont votre entreprise a besoin.

How project management software helps PSOs achieve – or avoid – human capital alignment

In its 2016 Professional Services Maturity™ Benchmark, Service Performance Insights notes that in response to shifting human capital dynamics, professional services organizations (PSO) must “create a different type of workforce that requires technical and client management competency with equal parts of flexibility, autonomy and accountability.” Naturally, talent management programs must play a major role in...

How project management software drives human capital alignment

In the 2016 Professional Services Maturity™ Benchmark survey, Service Performance Insight affirms that human capital alignment – i.e. the ability to attract, hire, retain and motivate a quality workforce – continues to be both a critical objective and a key challenge for organizations.   Obviously, both Human Capital Management (HCM) systems and organizational policies are...

Why external collaboration is the essence of customer experience

In the past, organizations generally did two things in order to plot a course towards customer satisfaction: monitor project plans (e.g. milestones met, deliverables accomplished, schedules followed, budgets adhered), and track customer feedback. However, in recent years customers have developed their own customer satisfaction playbook – and it doesn’t end with plans and feedback. Naturally,...

Surviving and thriving in today’s multi-tasking workplace: What you need to know

Vous ouvrez votre messagerie pour trouver 427 nouveaux messages. Alors que vous faites défiler les lignes d'objet pour déterminer les messages "les plus urgents", un message texte retentit sur votre iPhone. Quelques instants plus tard, votre téléphone fixe sonne et pendant que vous êtes au téléphone, vous recevez trois messages instantanés de collègues de travail avec des questions urgentes. Pendant ce temps, vous avez deux rapports et une présentation à...

Le livre de jeu de Planview AdaptiveWork : Comment tirer le meilleur parti des produits de Planview AdaptiveWork

Every day, more businesses recognize the benefits of Planview AdaptiveWork’s innovative, user-friendly project management solutions. From software developers, to healthcare systems, to online marketing firms, organizations around the world are getting their work done smarter and faster with Planview AdaptiveWork’s suite of project management tools. Whether you’re already a customer or are thinking about making...

5 elements of a truly killer project management mobile app

There’s one thing that sales and marketing professionals neglect at their peril: end users are the ultimate authority when it comes to determining whether product promises are justified – or jokes. And one of the most vivid illustrations of this principle has to do with so-called “killer” project management mobile apps.   Why so-called? Because...

Comment les outils de gestion du travail collaboratif de Planview AdaptiveWork améliorent l'efficacité des équipes

Collaboration is one of the biggest topics in project management today. From software developers and accounting firms to creative marketing agencies, companies are discovering that online collaboration tools can help their teams work faster and better. Clarizen, an industry leader in project management software, offers one of the most comprehensive and easy-to-use online collaboration tools...

Why “old skool” project management software is disastrous for portfolio management

In the serious and structured world of project management – where buying staples has an audit trail and lunch is seen as a deliverable – it’s strangely common for project mangers to find themselves thrust into portfolio management. There they are, happily rolling past milestones and religiously reading the Planview AdaptiveWork blog (right?). And then...

Workspace wisdom: what to do when collaboration turns into chaos

If data is the new oil in today’s rapidly changing workspace environment, then collaboration is the new capital – because aligning teams to rapidly and intelligently get things done isn’t just a question of success: in the long run, it’s a matter of survival. Of course, most organizations are already well aware that collaboration is...

Finding safe harbor in the age of disruption

A few decades ago when the world was rooting itself in what was dubbed the Information Age, there was a widespread expectation that the business landscape was heading towards an era of unprecedented stability. After all, organizations weren’t interested in information for its own sake. Information was just raw material to be amassed, manipulated and...