Équipe AdaptiveWork
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Équipe AdaptiveWork

Les conférences sur la gestion de projet à attendre avec impatience en 2017

Le monde de la gestion de projet est en constante évolution. Chaque année, de nouvelles méthodologies sont développées, de nouvelles normes sont proposées et les principes de gestion de projet sont appliqués aux défis commerciaux de manière nouvelle et passionnante. Les conférences sur la gestion de projet offrent une excellente occasion de s'informer sur ces développements de l'industrie avant qu'ils ne deviennent connus de tous, tout en ayant la chance de...

10 tips to bring change to your organization

In the spirit of the recent Gartner PPM Summit theme to “drive change and deliver value,” I wanted to share some best practices that have helped out our customers along the way. Below you’ll find our latest interactive infographic: 10 Tips to Bring Change to Your Organization.  Cheers and I hope you find the content...

Fight against today’s engagement crisis

Un domaine d'importance pour Planview AdaptiveWork est l'accent mis sur l'engagement des employés. Nous pensons que lorsque les employés et les équipes sont concentrés, actifs et capables de voir comment leur travail s'intègre dans le tableau d'ensemble, ils deviennent plus engagés, motivés et productifs. Le contraire de l'engagement des employés est dépeint de manière ludique, sur le thème de la...

Tips for prioritizing projects across teams

One of the biggest challenges for present day project managers is managing and prioritizing projects when more than one team or department is involved. This is especially true for larger organizations where there are global teams or remote locations. While this has always been an important consideration, cross-team project prioritization has gained additional significance in...

6 project management skills that will impress enterprise clients

When enterprise organizations choose a new vendor or business partner, they look at much more than just the partner company’s product or service. Multiple factors that could affect the business relationship come under scrutiny, from the vendor’s corporate history and financial stability to the resumes of the people who will be involved on the project....

How to break down silos between departments

Do you ever find yourself wondering why your organization has a hard time making decisions, solving problems or accomplishing goals that should be fairly simple? If so, the silo mentality may be to blame. Silos between departments are among the most common challenges to project success and organizational efficiency today. Employees are often unwilling to...

7 facteurs qui font - ou défont - la collaboration avec les clients

Collaboration is defined as “the cooperative arrangement in which two or more parties work jointly towards a common goal.” This certainly has a pleasant ring to it. Just look at the delightful phrasing: cooperative arrangement, working jointly, common goal. In light of this, who wouldn’t enjoy collaborating? Unfortunately and surprisingly, the answer could be your...

Ce qu'il faut inclure dans un plan de collaboration d'entreprise

When enterprise organizations look for ways to improve their project performance and gain a competitive advantage, one of the first places they are likely to look is workplace collaboration. In only a few years, enterprise collaboration has gone from being a relatively obscure concept to one of the most important issues on the minds of...

Bénéficiez d'une intégration exceptionnelle avec les logiciels de gestion de projets

It’s not difficult to find cloud-based project management software vendors touting their product’s “exceptional” integration capacity. However, enterprises that put this claim to the test often end up with a different verdict: instead of exceptional, they’re obliged to label the integration as exasperating. While this scenario is frustrating, costly and surprisingly common, it’s not inevitable....

What employees hate about conventional project management software

While the centuries-old phrase “no news is good news” still has some value today, there are situations when this guidance isn’t just inapplicable, but it’s categorically dangerous. And in enterprises around the world, the best – or rather, the worst – example of this involves conventional project management software. Here’s the thing: most employees don’t...