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Enterprise Agile Planning, Gestion de portefeuilles de projets

Une journée dans la vie d'un chef de projet marketing agile

Publié le Par l'équipe AdaptiveWork

Si vous êtes chef de projet marketing depuis des années, mais que vous cherchez à faire passer votre efficacité au niveau supérieur, vous pouvez envisager une approche marketing Agile . Le marketing agile est une méthode collaborative de marketing qui implique des équipes travaillant ensemble pour réaliser des projets de haut niveau, analyser l'impact, puis apporter des modifications mesurables pour améliorer les résultats en cours.

Mettre en œuvre le marketing Agile dans votre emploi du temps quotidien n'est pas si compliqué si vous avez un plan. Pour faciliter la transition, nous avons élaboré ce guide de ce à quoi pourrait ressembler une journée dans la vie d'un chef de projet marketing Agile. Vous remarquerez que l'accent est mis sur les principes agiles suivants :

  • Collaboration – An Agile project manager needs lots of opportunities to communicate with team members and stakeholders.
  • Flexibilité - Vous ne savez jamais quels problèmes ou opportunités se présenteront un jour donné.
  • Iterative problem-solving – Meetings and task lists aren’t just busywork, but opportunities to learn and improve.

Une journée moyenne pour un chef de projet Agile

9:00 am

You arrive at work, ideally refreshed from a good night’s sleep. Begin by taking a look at your calendar to see what is scheduled. This will help you organize your day around any collaborative meetings. You’ll also be able to see if there are any urgent items in your operations request tracker.

9:15 am

This is a good time to check your email to make sure there are no urgent items that need your input. Unfortunately, if you’ve committed to the life of a marketing project manager, there’s a good chance something will have come up overnight.

9:30 am

Use this time to address the urgent issues, so you can get them out of the way. Once you’re done, take a deep breath and return to your scheduled to-do.

10:00 am

Check up on your project sprints. Clean up any outstanding items. For finished projects, conduct a completed work report and get to know the data. See where there’s room for improvement.

10:30 am

Once you’ve finished up your initial morning routine, you’ll usually be faced with a project team meeting. (If you’re really committing to the Agile approach, you may even have transitioned into daily standups – and hopefully they will have made your meetings shorter and more productive!)

As a manager, it’s up to you to review the projects at hand and figure out what has been completed and what still needs to be completed. If everything is on schedule, you’re in luck and can move on to a new project sprint report. If things are off schedule, though, you’ll have to work together to figure out a solution for getting them back on track.


Write an email updating all stakeholders about the current sprint project, and everything that was covered in the meeting.


This is a great time to look at older sprints that could use some adjusting for better results. Analyze data on longer term projects to see what’s working and what’s not, then create a plan for improvement. Be sure to track all these results and tweaks, so you can refer to them on future projects.


Allez déjeuner. Mais ne mangez pas à votre bureau ! C'est mauvais pour votre santé mentale et votre productivité .

Maybe even chit chat with a fellow Agile marketing project manager. You can share ideas and lessons you’ve learned from past projects. Remember: collaboration is key to Agile marketing.


Après le déjeuner, c'est le moment idéal pour examiner les demandes de support de production et travailler avec votre équipe pour résoudre les problèmes.


Yes, it’s time for another meeting. This is a good opportunity to discuss what you’ve learned from your latest project sprints, so you can implement successful tactics moving forward. It will also help you get a better understanding of your team’s capabilities. Be sure to come prepared with meeting points, concrete numbers, and action items.


Help team members with their testing and tasks.


Set up your calendar and to-do list for tomorrow, so you can get started first thing. Be sure to leave the office by 6pm. Too much overtime is not productive and can lead to burnout.

Of course, every Agile marketing project manager’s schedule and timeline is different, but the bulk of the operations are the same: lead sprints, measure results, tweak accordingly, keep teams on track, and communicate with stakeholders.

Augmentez l'agilité de votre entreprise avec le logiciel de gestion de projet de Planview AdaptiveWork

Chez Planview AdaptiveWork, nous facilitons le processus de marketing Agile grâce à notre logiciel de collaboration très flexible et facile à configurer. Programmez une démo en direct pour en savoir plus.

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