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10 Raisons de voter pour ma session SXSW

Publié le Par Jason Morio
10 Raisons de voter pour ma session SXSW

Vous vous demandez peut-être pourquoi vous devriez prendre le temps de voter pour ma proposition SXSW 2017, Distance Makes the Teamwork Harder...Or Does It, sur le travail avec des équipes internationales ? Je pensais vous faciliter la tâche. Voici 10 raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez voter pour ma session (ou regarder ma vidéo ci-dessous) :

  1. Vous vous retrouvez emporté dans la tempête de la recherche d'une solution pour accomplir votre travail dans un monde ou une économie mondiale qui s'aplatit.
  1. You DON’T have skills like Tom Cruise in Minority Report.
  1. You spend your workdays in isolation but are expected to work with people as if they are in the next cubicle or room.
  1. Vous avez des coéquipiers dans plusieurs fuseaux horaires.
  1. You have communication challenges (really, who doesn’t?).
  1. You are dealing with some “interesting” cultural elements and want to commiserate on trends and challenges like communication style, organizational hierarchy, speed of innovation.
  1. You want to learn from someone who walks the talk: I have 18 years in the technology space, from roles in Fortune 1000 companies all the way to the “four dudes, a dog and a garage” level startups. I also ran a software development team based in Romania from my bedroom desk in Austin. I now work every day with teams in Sweden, India, Austin, and California. We help companies large and small overcome the challenges they face with the ever-changing nature of collaborative projects.
  1. You want to understand the common traps around communication, culture and technology that factor into the success or demise of virtual teams.
  1. You want to know some tips and best practices for companies aspiring to drive productivity with their global workforces.
  1. You want to be entertained.

My Official SXSW Entry

La distance rend le travail d'équipe plus difficile... ou pas ?

In a flattening world and global economy, no longer are we constrained by geography, physical location and time zones. Working with global teams is becoming the new normal with over 70% of us interacting with external parties on a regular basis and almost a third working with team members in other geographies. Global workforces afford many business advantages, and technology plays a key part in keeping us connected, but what are the considerations for those working with global teams and how do you avoid the pitfalls? If you are among the growing majority of professionals who are working with teams around the world, you won’t want to miss this session.

Here’s How to Vote

  1. Inscrivez-vous sur : SXSW PanelPicker
  2. Vote here: to vote for Jason –

Wish me luck. I hope to see you at SXSW in 2017!

Photo by: ChunLum

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