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Vier wichtige Strategien zur Verwaltung der Ressourcenkapazität für Führungskräfte in Unternehmen

Asset #2: Die besten 4 Ressourcen für IT- und EPMO-Profis

Veröffentlicht Von Martha Garcia
Vier wichtige Strategien zur Verwaltung der Ressourcenkapazität für Führungskräfte in Unternehmen

Last week I introduced a 4-part blog series for IT and EMPO professionals that features our most popular resources of 2014. We started by looking at The 2014 State of Resource Management and Capacity Planning Report and interactive website which provides insight into how you can work towards maturing your organization’s resource and capacity management capabilities and processes.

I’d like to introduce the second asset, Four Key Strategies on Managing Resource and Capacity for Enterprise Initiatives. I especially enjoyed how this 13 minute webcast outlines key strategies for carrying out a cross-functional program from a resource perspective and how a PPM solution can help:

  • Determine if an initiative is one you can afford to carry out with your existing resources
  • Gain visibility into what happens when you accept work
  • Ensure you have the right resources working on the right things at the right time to improve on-time delivery of projects and maximize business value
  • Proactively monitor resources assignments to manage capacity

Here are the four key points discussed in the webcast, Four Key Strategies on Managing Resource Capacity for Enterprise Initiatives, and their associated time stamps so you can quickly navigate to each section:
Four Key Strategies on Managing Resource Capacity for Enterprise Initiatives

  1. Ensure Alignment with Strategic Plans (01:03)
  2. Analyze Capacity across Portfolios and Methodologies (02:15)
  3. Optimize Work and Resources (05:02)
  4. Continually Analyze the Current State to Take Informed Action (08:07)

I encourage you to watch the webcast, Four Key Strategies on Managing Resource Capacity for Enterprise Initiatives, and let me know if it was helpful. What is your approach to managing resource and capacity within your enterprise? Share by leaving a comment below.

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Geschrieben von Martha Garcia

Martha Garcia schloss ihr Studium an der University of Texas in Austin mit einem BS in Kommunikationswissenschaften ab. Hier entwickelte sie ihr Interesse an Unternehmenskommunikation, insbesondere in den Bereichen Veränderungsmanagement in komplexen Organisationen sowie Führung und Organisationsverhalten. Martha arbeitet eng mit Vordenkern in den Bereichen IT und PMO zusammen, um überzeugende Programme und Inhalte zu entwickeln, darunter informative Webcasts und White Papers für die IT-PMO-Community.