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Tasktop Blogger

Project to Product: Value Stream Management with the Tasktop Flow Framework™

We continue from Remember Value Stream Mapping and drill into the content of Project to Product. With every chapter I read, the significance of the Project to Product book and the Flow Framework™ appears. After reading about the technical revolution, the Age of Software & Digital, and the uncertainty around the next turning point, I was intrigued by...

Remember Value Stream Mapping?

Editor’s note “Scenius stands for the intelligence and the intuition of a whole cultural scene. It is the communal form of the concept of the genius.” —Brian Eno Following the release of our CEO Mik’s book Project to Product in November 2018, we have been blown away by the response from the IT industry and beyond. As...

Tasktop Partner Day 2018 – A Community Coming Together Around Value Stream Management

The speakers at Tasktop Partner Day 2018 were very informative, and their message was thought provoking. It was very refreshing to hear a message that was focused almost entirely upon client business results (value, cost, quality and happiness) – Henry Potts, Director, Business Development, Melillo Consulting Last week Tasktop ran its first ever Tasktop Partner Day...

To Transform to Have Agility, Don’t Do a Capital A, Capital T Agile Transformation

The concept of “flow” is a common thread in DevOps. Fin Goulding and Hayden Shaughnessy do a great job summarizing the concept of flow and how it relates to digital transformation in their book Flow: A Handbook for Change-Makers, Mavericks, Innovation Activists and Leaders: Digital Transformation Simplified. In a previous article, “Modular Architectures Make You...

Measuring your software delivery – Flow time vs. Lead time

Last month the entire Tasktop Customer Success team met in Las Vegas ahead of DevOps Enterprise Summit 2018 for our annual face-to-face. During the meeting I had the opportunity to present Tasktop’s own journey into Value Stream Management and the Flow Framework™. There were some great discussions around gathering data and measuring both flow time and lead...

Project to Product: Modular Architectures Make You Agile in the Long Run

Gene Kim, one of the authors of The DevOps Handbook, once told me that organizations that require a developer to take 10 people out to lunch to get an API change done appear to have lower IT performance. We hypothesized that an overly high “lunch factor” would impede DevOps transformations, and added some questions on...

The painful experience of a Product Analyst with no software toolchain integration

When I joined Tasktop about three months ago, I quickly realized that Tasktop targets the exact same problems that I faced during my previous job as a Product Analyst. In that role I was using various tools to ensure inbound open source and third party licensing compliance. To complete my daily tasks, I used a combination...

Learning on the job – the never-ending education as a software developer

I have been fortunate enough to work on a variety of teams and companies in the software industry, each with different methodologies and varying efficiency. Throughout my career as a software developer, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the problem-solving aspects of working in a development team, and would like to share a couple of the challenges that...

Like Waze for your software development and delivery?

Of all of the things I’ve done while at Tasktop, working on webinars has to be my favorite. Every month, I get the chance to work with intelligent people with unique perspectives on software development and delivery to educate and inspire viewers to improve the way their organizations deliver value to customers. We like to...

Designing an API that works with Tasktop: The object model

Designing a REST API that works well with Tasktop is challenging. There are a lot of subtle things that can go wrong during the API design phase that can make it difficult for Tasktop to flow data to and from an ALM system. A first-class entity is an object that the API allows you to...