Tasktop Blogger
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Tasktop Blogger

How-to: Connect to a Repository

Applies to: Tasktop Dev Pro, Tasktop Dev Starter and Mylyn Level: Introductory Summary: In this article you will learn how to connect Tasktop Dev to Task Repositories such as JIRA, CollabNet, Rally, and Bugzilla We’re pleased to announce the first in a series of “How-to” posts that will help you make the most of the task-focused technology...

Mylyn is turning Japanese

While Mylyn will happily display other languages and character sets coming from the task repository, the Mylyn UI has never been internationalized. The Eclipse Babel project has provided a great service by enabiling the community to contribute translations. But to support Babel, a project needs to update its codebase to support internationalization. In a tireless...

Article: Tasktop for Eclipse – Get More out of Mylyn

Posted by Robert Elves I have just published an article with tips on how to get more out of Mylyn with the summer release of Tasktop. It starts with an overview of Mylyn, followed by an introduction to Tasktop for Eclipse. The article covers how Tasktop extends Mylyn’s task-focused interface beyond the Eclipse workbench to...