Everyone knows that when you sell a product, it must be high quality and there should be need for it in the marketplace. Once this has been established, companies have to make sure the product has excellent customer service and support. No one understands this more than Yessica Archilla, a Senior Customer Care Manager at Planview. Yessica, who many would describe as passionate, driven, and direct, yet approachable, manages several customer support product teams at Planview.
What does a typical day look like for a Senior Customer Care Manager? Yessica, who has worked at Planview for over 4 years, has graciously offered to let us delve into her world in and outside of work hours.
I asked her a round of questions to get an idea of what a day in the life of a Senior Customer Care Manager looks like and the skills required to keep a team successfully running.
What time do you log online or arrive at the office?
I usually go online between 8:00 and 8:30AM. Occasionally it might be earlier depending on the meetings that day.
What types of meetings do you prepare for? Who do you meet with?
I meet with both customers and employees on a regular basis. Internally I have one-on-ones, team meetings, management meetings, and Salesforce administration meetings. My favorite Planview meeting is my biweekly meeting with the ERG (Employee Resource Group) BIPOC EPIC, more on this later.
External meetings include customer meetings and case escalation meetings.
What are the important skill sets needed for your role?
First and foremost, critical thinking and analysis. There is also a need for strategic thinking and being able to execute those plans. Above all else though, I would say that communication, empathy, and a service-oriented attitude towards both internal and external customers is key as a Senior Customer Care Manager.
What time do you take a break?
I try to take quick 5-minute breaks between meetings if possible (which is not a lot of the time). I have made a point in the last 2 years to make sure I take my full lunch hour during the day.
As a Senior Customer Care manager how do you make time for your team?
Great question! Especially this last year, I feel guilty I have not had as much time as I would like for my teams. That said, we have weekly team meetings and monthly one-on-ones where we catch up.
I have found that cultivating the human side of our relationships (if handled appropriately) is a magnificent asset to team morale and cohesion. With our remote team members, we make a point of having plenty of face time between the team members and getting to know them at a more personal level (online games work great for this!). With team members that are local here in Austin, I try to do something together every couple of months (happy hours, brunch, game nights, etc.).
Are you involved in any office Diversity & Inclusion initiatives? If so, provide a brief description of your involvement.
Yes! I am in the BIPOC EPIC ERG which stands for: Black, Indigenous, People of Color Elevating Planview’s Inclusive Culture. It is my favorite part of coming to work!
Right now, we are celebrating Hispanic and LatinX Heritage month (September 15-October 15) where I asked volunteers to answer the question: How does your heritage contribute to the person you are today? We had 17 employees volunteer, and I feel honored to have gotten the chance to compile their replies and create each employee spotlight social image. The team even made a Spotify Playlist. I am immensely proud of this project and of the Hispanic & LatinX employees that shared part of their EPIC selves with us.
As a woman working in the tech industry, what have you learned?
Your voice matters, and it should be heard. I have been lucky enough to work with people who are truly excellent at listening to those around them. That said, you must speak up for someone to be able to listen. What works for me is to communicate in a direct and no-frills way. I can be a bit of a firecracker! I am working now on “packing my passion” to be a more effective change agent.
What tasks do you leave for the end of the workday?
Currently, I usually leave Salesforce cases for the end of my workday when the ‘buzz’ has quieted down. Anything that requires more than 2 hours of my focus time I leave for the end if it is not urgent.
What time do you leave the office or log off?
That completely depends. There is a lot of work as of late, so I usually “log off” for an evening break between 6-9PM. If I still need to get work done, I login around 9PM to finish quick tasks and touch point with APAC (Asia Pacific) team members.
How do you unwind once you are off the clock?
I have 2 beautiful dogs, Kenny & Koda (The K’s) and I spend plenty of my free time with them. Fun fact: Kenny’s favorite TV show is The Office (he has great taste).
My current hobby though is board gaming. I have played 124 different games in the last 5 years! I highly recommend strategy games to keep your neurons fired up and your analysis skills sharp. My husband and I also enjoy hosting, so we usually have people over at least once a week.
To end things, what is your favorite inspirational quote?
Currently my favorite inspirational quote is “Do your best, and then forgive yourself.”
Especially during this last year and a half, this has grounded me. I have perfectionist tendencies, and it is a great reminder to relax and be proud of what I have accomplished.
A question for our readers.
Are you in the job market? If you want to work for a Senior Customer Care Manager who cares for her teammates there is an opening with Yessica’s team! Planview is hiring a Customer Care Consultant to support the PPM Pro solution customer base. If the job description is not for you, you can search and submit your resume online anytime.