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Planview Blog

The old planning tool is nearing retirement

It’s part of the product life-cycle to develop new parts of the system and retire old ones. We have, over the last few years, developed and released a new suite of planning tools in the form of: an omnipresent timeline where you can follow the progress of the project and get an overview of all the milestones...

Agile Gantt with Dependencies and More News From Projectplace

Dependencies in Plan For a long time, dependencies has been one of the most asked for product improvements from our users. When we started developing the current planning tools in ProjectPlace we thought really hard about what functionality would be most useful. Since dependencies has always been a high priority request from our users,  this...

How Kanban Enables Continuous Delivery: Planview AgilePlace’s Perspective

Kanban and continuous delivery are technical practices that go hand in hand. The goal of continuous delivery is to rapidly, reliably and repeatedly deliver new features and bug fixes at low risk and with minimal overhead. The goal of Kanban is to optimize the flow of work through incremental change. Both approaches share the common objective of delivering...

How to Use Connections

In Planview AgilePlace, connections help you track and manage the execution of company initiatives by providing the right level of visibility to the right people. This allows you to visualize your plans at a high level and dig deeper into the implementation details as needed. Learn how to set up and use connections at the...

How to Modify Your Board Layout

See how to modify the layout of your Planview AgilePlace board to accurately reflect your team’s process. In this short video you’ll learn how to: Add new lanes, reposition them and increase lane width to show your process Create sub-lanes for stages of work within your process Use horizontal swimlanes for parallel processes Planview AgilePlace is designed to let you build out any work...

Why and How to Limit Your WIP

In this webinar, we explain why setting work-in-progress limits is necessary if you want to establish and improve your flow of work. Simply put, you can’t do more work than you can handle. It makes sense, but with all the competing demands on our time, it’s too easy to bite off more than we can chew –...

Why Limiting Your Work-in-Progress Matters

If you’re a fan of Jim Benson and Tonianne DeMaria Barry’s Personal Kanban writings, you’ll know that they have two basic rules: Visualize your work Limit your Work-in-Progress Being relatively new to Kanban, the first rule instantly made a lot of sense to me — particularly in the context of using Planview AgilePlace. Being able to see the...

Release 29th January 2014 – Document Review, Cross-Project Search and ToDo

First release of the new year! Personally I thrive on change so New Year’s Eve is one of my favourite holidays. The collective feeling of reflecting on the past and starting something improved or new is just wonderful. I have never been big on resolutions but a simple stop-start list can be good when moving...

Getting Started with Visual Management: Mapping Your Workflow

The hardest part of getting started with visual management can be figuring out your workflow process. If you’ve never tried visual management before, terms like “value stream” and “mapping your workflow” can sound quite intimidating. So let’s rewind and go over the basics. Visual management is based on the principles of Kanban. Step one for getting...

Myth: Multitasking Saves Time

You might believe that multitasking is an efficient means of getting stuff done quickly. You might also believe that there is a Sasquatch population thriving in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. For each case, I want to believe it is true. However, facing the facts, I have reluctantly accepted that each is a myth. While my agnostic love...